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Example sentences for "gruffer"

Lexicographically close words:
gruelling; gruels; grueso; gruesome; gruff; gruffly; gruffness; grum; grumble; grumbled
  1. Mr. Laurence's gruff voice sounded gruffer than ever, as Jo tapped at his door.

  2. The third growl sounded gruffer than the rest.

  3. A gruffer voice than ever bade her "Let be!

  4. The children were sent to bed; and the young Englishman, finding the conversation lag, and his host becoming gruffer and less communicative than he thought quite courteous, retired.

  5. So he went back to his chair, his pipe, and his tumbler, and was gruffer and more taciturn than ever for the rest of the evening.

  6. It was a merry laugh, pleasant, Ellerey thought, after the gruffer tones of the soldiers.

  7. There were gruff laughter and gruffer oaths, man's salutation to the new day, and some low spoken words of discontent.

  8. If Big Boy's voice was gruff, there was still a gruffer voice that used to come from a man in the corner of the ward to the left of my bed.

  9. The reply seemed almost girlish in comparison with the gruffer tones of the other patients and I marvelled that the owner of this polite, mannerly, high-pitched voice could be known by any such name as "Red Shannahan.

  10. The gruffer of the two voices pulled up the speaker.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gruffer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.