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Example sentences for "guardship"

Lexicographically close words:
guardianship; guardias; guarding; guardroom; guards; guardships; guardsman; guardsmen; guava; guavas
  1. Immediately afterwards he was informed that his son, Captain John Rodney, was likely to be refused a guardship appointment as a punishment for his own Parliamentary action.

  2. A guardship at Portsmouth would meet the case exactly, and accordingly he was appointed in 1753 to the Kent, sixty-four.

  3. We went on board the guardship stationed here, with some of the officers, with whom papa was acquainted, and were interested in hearing an account of the Coastguard system.

  4. In time, the punt delivered our pilot, and we hove short, awaiting a signal from the Guardship that would release the traffic.

  5. Anon, our advance guardship sets her syren sounding dismal wails at long intervals, as she swings over from wing to wing of the convoy.

  6. Here the Admiral left me, with instructions to go off aboard the guardship at once, and bring my log-books ashore for his inspection.

  7. We returned to the dockyard in a boat under a full moon, the guardship gleaming white in the blue midnight and the phosphorescent water flashing under the oars.

  8. The officers of the guardship and gunboats had to be called on.

  9. There was a dockyard still, and a commodore in command, and a guardship and gunboats, and English regiments and West Indian regiments with English officers.

  10. After long delays Colonna's fleet reached Suda Bay in Crete, and joined a squadron of Venetian galleys kept for guardship duties in Cretan waters.

  11. A second blow was the destruction of the first-class armoured cruiser "Variag," the Russian guardship at Chemulpo, by a Japanese squadron.

  12. If it came to knocks, the guardship would blow us out of the water.

  13. The guardship could now be dimly seen behind that glittering eye--a blurr of spars and funnels about a mile up stream.

  14. It was also telegraphed from Constantinople that the Czar, in reply to a personal appeal from the Sultan, consented to waive the Russian demand for a second guardship in the Bosphorus.

  15. In common with a hundred other naval officers, Rodney, who was then in command of the Prince George guardship at Portsmouth, had orders to proceed without loss of time to the raising of men.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "guardship" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.