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Example sentences for "handbags"

Lexicographically close words:
hanaper; hanc; hand; handa; handbag; handball; handbell; handbill; handbills; handbook
  1. He brought their handbags into the customs-room at the station where they landed; and there took a last leave and a last fee with unexpected cordiality.

  2. They almost dropped their handbags at the unexpectedness of the meeting.

  3. As best they could, they began sprinting in the direction of the railroad station, but their handbags were somewhat heavy, and this impeded their progress.

  4. They watched him for a minute, and then picked up their handbags and started toward the train.

  5. You-all didn't have no handbags when you got on this cah.

  6. There he found the handbags and suitcases, umbrellas and other equipment.

  7. I ain't seen no handbags of you-alls," the porter protested.

  8. Surrendering the handbags to this other functionary, he touched his cap and vanished into thin air, magically, after the custom of ancient Arabian genii and modern British steamship servants.

  9. We crossed the water without any mishap, and on arriving at Dunkirk bore the Custom-house officers' searching of our handbags with a stoical calmness.

  10. Our handbags were taken out of the room, doubtless to be examined at leisure by the old woman, and mulct of anything valuable.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "handbags" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.