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Example sentences for "handsaw"

Lexicographically close words:
handmaidens; handmaids; handmill; handrail; hands; handsel; handselled; handsful; handshake; handshakes
  1. Panel saw, handsaw with fine teeth, -- used for cutting out panels, etc.

  2. Hack saw, a handsaw having a narrow blade stretched in an iron frame, for cutting metal.

  3. Defn: A handsaw with coarse teeth which have but a slight set, used for cutting wood in the direction of the fiber; -- called also ripping saw.

  4. Nine teeth to the inch is the most satisfactory handsaw for all kinds of lumber.

  5. Den he bus' dem blisters with de handsaw and dey put salt and pepper in de bucket water and 'noint dem blisters with de mop dip in de water.

  6. It was raw and bloody and she say Marse Tom done beat her with a handsaw with the teeth to her back.

  7. Handsaw goes to assist Old Man to rise, and Alphonzo bangs the door to and locks.

  8. Centennial" handsaw with its "skew back" and "apple handle.

  9. This we softened in the fire, worked into form on the head of an upturned hammer with one of smaller size, and then roughly finished it up with a handsaw file.

  10. One night passing the big tree at Raheen I heard the sound of a handsaw in the air, and I looked up and there in the top of a larch tree that's near to a beech I saw a man sitting and cutting it with the handsaw.

  11. Whereupon the handsaw arose and declared that he was never prouder of the Scotch Church than he had been during the last year, and that in all his life he had never spent a happier time.

  12. The handsaw arose and proposed his candidate, and almost immediately attacked the other party.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "handsaw" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.