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Example sentences for "handys"

Lexicographically close words:
handwork; handwriting; handwritings; handwritten; handy; haner; hang; hangar; hangars; hangd
  1. It is so nowe that I undrestond that he is owther deed or ellys harde eskapyd, wheroff I am ryght hevye, and am not serteyn whethyr the seyd lettyr and rynge come to yowr handys or nott.

  2. I receyvyd, and synnys off my mony off seide maner growyng that come to yowr handys was receyvyd by yow ageyn the seyd xlli.

  3. A courch with slycht apon his handys thai laid, And wndyr syn with seuir cordys thai braid, 1060 Bath scharp and tewch, and fast to gyddyr drew.

  4. Quhen thai off hay was ladand most byssé, Guthré with ten in handys has thaim tayn, 705 Put thaim to dede, off thaim he sawyt nayn.

  5. The Inglissmen passyt to Craufurdys place, Fand in the bern the lugeyng off Wallace; Than Crawfurdis wyff in handys haiff thai tayne, 385 And ast at hyr quhat way the Scottis war gayne.

  6. God, that ye wole be hys good mastyr, and to help hym in hys ryth, that he may have hom hys lyvelod owt of ther handys that have had it in hys nownage.

  7. At the end of the first year after the primary wherein he was defeated, the Handys could not get a dime's worth of beefsteak without the dime.

  8. The Handys spent the summer in Atlantic City, and Abner came home wearing New York clothes of an exaggerated type, and though he never showed it in our town, they used to say that he put on a high hat when the train whistled for Topeka.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "handys" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.