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Example sentences for "heavenlie"

Lexicographically close words:
heauton; heauy; heave; heaved; heaven; heavenlier; heavenliness; heavenly; heavens; heavenward
  1. Father and Erasmus had some astronomick Talk; howbeit, methoughte Erasmus less familiar with the heavenlie Bodies than Father is.

  2. Thus we went on, from one Theme to another, till methinketh a heavenlie Light seemed to shine alle about us, like as when the Angel entered the Prison of Peter.

  3. What difference twixt man and beast is left, When th'heavenlie light of knowledge is put out, And th'ornaments of wisdome are bereft?

  4. Live she for ever, and her royall p'laces 580 Be fild with praises of divinest wits, That her eternize with their heavenlie writs!

  5. Whether lying reastlesse in heavy bedde, or else Sitting so cheerelesse at the cheerefull boorde, or else Playing alone carelesse on hir heavenlie virginals.

  6. The number of them was so great, and they sang so merrilie, that it was an heavenlie noise to hear.

  7. And then all the birds began to sing evensong so merrilie that it was an heavenlie noise to hear; and after supper St. Brandan and his fellows went to bed and slept well.

  8. Thus we went on, from one theme to another, till methinketh a heavenlie light seemed to shine alle about us like as when the angel entered the prison of Peter.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heavenlie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.