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Example sentences for "heelers"

Lexicographically close words:
heel; heeld; heele; heeled; heeler; heeles; heeling; heelless; heels; heem
  1. Such a man felt grateful, and, because of his good qualities, joined with the purely sordid and corrupt heelers and crooked politicians to become part of the Platt machine.

  2. Down with the Warwick team came a great crowd of heelers to see the "funeral," as one of them expressed it.

  3. The chiefs of each party were powerless to act because the heelers of both parties had been alike guilty.

  4. A man living on a woman's illicit earnings is not coddled by ward heelers and let off with light bail, as in certain notorious California cases.

  5. You showed me," he began, "that you must have under you a practical man to handle the money and do the arranging with the heelers and all that sort of thing.

  6. His lieutenants and heelers hate him because he doesn't divide squarely.

  7. There was free drinks for everybody in town, and bands playing every night, and fireworks, and there was a lot of heelers going around buying up votes day and night for the new style of politics in Espiritu, and everybody liked it.

  8. There's an army of petty grafters and party heelers to be paid off at every turn!

  9. Have you seen those pale ghosts of heelers flitting around by day and by night on bicycles?

  10. It always gives me a feeling of deep exhaustion to see those heelers working so hard on that sheet.

  11. The heelers then were for mauling Rosalsky more severely; but the Tammany captain interfered, and, as an act of grace, secured his release on condition that he went right away.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heelers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.