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Example sentences for "heeled"

Lexicographically close words:
heeds; heeft; heel; heeld; heele; heeler; heelers; heeles; heeling; heelless
  1. Others floated out for a time, and then, struck by a flaw in the wind, heeled over and disappeared.

  2. At this moment the reserved broadside of the Aspasia was discharged, and the two frigates heeled over opposite ways, from the violent concussion of the air in the confined space between them.

  3. The fore part of the ship still held together, and, fortunately for the survivors, heeled towards the land, so as to afford some protection from the force of the seas, which dashed over it at each succeeding swell of the billows.

  4. Her khaki divided skirt came just below the knee, meeting a pair of high-heeled riding-boots.

  5. He measured, in fact, a full five feet ten inches without his high-heeled riding-boots.

  6. The wigs and the high-heeled shoes are not without a certain pleasing quaintness; and when we have surmounted this cause of disgust, we can see more plainly what was the real power which men of the most opposite schools in art have recognised.

  7. We can hardly fancy a genuine hero with a pigtail, or a heroine in a hoop and high-heeled shoes, nor believe that persons who wore those articles of costume could possess any very exalted virtues.

  8. The reason is that in her thin high-heeled slippers, and when it is too dark to see her foothold clearly, she is likely to trip.

  9. Get boots like those of a man, low-heeled and with a straight line from heel to back of top.

  10. Years ago a lady never walked across a ballroom floor without the support of a gentleman's arm, which was much easier than walking alone across a very slippery surface in high-heeled slippers.

  11. High-heeled slippers do not go with any country clothes, except organdie or muslins or other distinctly feminine "summer" dresses.

  12. And, even as we made our spring, the schooner heeled over and sank alongside.

  13. One of her high-heeled slippers had been lost in the snow.

  14. The ropes rattled through the davit blocks, and, as the Manzanita heeled over a little, the boat took water, the blocks were unhooked, her bows given a sharp shove and she was off.

  15. A ship under sail is more or less heeled over and she's kept steady by the pressure of the wind on the sail.

  16. And is this light-fingered and light-heeled young person to escape the minions of the law--and all this in broad daylight too, and right on Sixth Avenue?

  17. She flung along by his side with a vindictive little click of her high-heeled boots and a prance of her whole elaborate little person that showed she was fairly bristling with wrath.

  18. Below, the wide edges of white duck trousers just appeared above shining insteps and high heeled shoes.

  19. She looked concernedly at her little, high-heeled shoes.

  20. The brig is not particularly stiff, or she would not have heeled over as sharply as she did just now.

  21. Two reefs had been taken in the topsails, but from the way the ship heeled over it was evident that she had more canvas on her than she could carry.

  22. Now she rose almost on an even keel, and then again heeled over as before.

  23. The ship did not answer it, but heeled over more and more.

  24. Clearly marked upon it were the imprints of little high-heeled shoes.

  25. The ship heeled over as the broadsides struck her, then righted herself, rocking like a cradle.

  26. She had heeled over to about twenty degrees, then she stopped and remained steady for a few seconds.

  27. The Hailoong heeled still farther to port, began to forge ahead, bumped something, was caught by a mighty wave squarely on the stern, righted herself, and plunged forward.

  28. The Hailoong was heeled over so far that it seemed hardly possible that she could right herself.

  29. From the top of their broad-brimmed hats to the tips of their high-heeled cowboy boots they were a wonder and a joy to the amazed eyes of Cordelia.

  30. The frigate heeled over till her lee ports were buried in the foaming, hissing caldron of boiling waters through which she forced her way.

  31. Over she heeled to it, till it seemed as if she would not rise again; but the spars were sound, the ropes good.

  32. The utmost thing of practical value she could do was to buy a new, gay dressing-gown and a pair of high-heeled slippers.

  33. The perfection of her high-heeled shoes was a matter of grave concern.

  34. Then with exaggerated strides marched in a lean high-heeled monster in green silk tights reaching to his armpits, topped with a scarlet wig ending in a foot high point.

  35. The swart and perspiring dresser dried his limbs, held out the green silk high-heeled tights which reached to his armpits.

  36. Then she heeled over on her starboard side, baring her breast to the enemy.

  37. Wulfrey, jerked violently out of the corner where he had been lying, rolled down towards the door of the cabin as the ship heeled over.

  38. She heeled completely over and sank in eight and a half minutes, hundreds of men clambering over her sides and standing there, just as if it were the upper deck, waiting for the final plunge.

  39. Cowboys in sombreros and long-heeled boots, with kerchiefs knotted about their necks, careered on swift ponies in and out of the little towns or met the newcomers on the river road.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heeled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    armed; carrying; endowed; equipped; fitted; invested; prepared; provided; rigged

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    heeled boots; heeled shoes