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Example sentences for "helfen"

Lexicographically close words:
held; helde; helden; hele; heled; heliacal; heliacally; helical; helices; helicoidal
  1. I considered that if I told the truth to Friedhelm Helfen he would be as silent as yourself, because you chose to be silent.

  2. Herr Helfen refused it--why, do you know?

  3. After an earnest speech to Helfen the new-comer raised his head.

  4. If Herr Helfen agreed to that, she would like it.

  5. Helfen listened to him with a half smile, screwing up his violin and giving him a quiet look now and then.

  6. Friedhelm Helfen took the rest of the proceedings into his own hands; and distributed the presents exactly as if he had found them all growing on the tree, and had not the least idea what they were nor whence they came.

  7. The little one, from Helfen's knee, stared at me with large, solemn eyes, and Helfen himself looked scarcely less impressed.

  8. Friedhelm Helfen always said you had not done it.

  9. I rather think Helfen has been a friend to me," said Courvoisier, smiling.

  10. Karl and Friedhelm Helfen went off to another part of the Tonhalle to fetch Karl's violoncello, and we were left alone again.

  11. Herr Helfen must indeed have loved his friend, for when Herr Courvoisier went away he went with him.

  12. Friedhelm Helfen sat in the one next below it.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "helfen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.