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Example sentences for "herby"

Lexicographically close words:
herbivora; herbivores; herbivorous; herbless; herbs; herculean; herd; herde; herded; herden
  1. Herby disappointed again this year of getting anything into the R.

  2. Herby has had rather better luck with his pictures this year.

  3. Eustace is coming to spend the afternoon with Herby to-morrow.

  4. Herby is getting on very nicely--never did student love his work better.

  5. Herby brought away for me a copy of the new edition.

  6. Herby is working away still chiefly at the Consuelo picture--has got a very beautiful model to-day sitting to him.

  7. Herby is enjoying his work and companionship at the League very much.

  8. I am half afraid Herby has got a malarious place by his description.

  9. And in Reference to his third son Jonas Prescott it is herby declared that he hath Received a full childs portion at nonecoicus in a Corne mille and Lands and other goods.

  10. Allerton herby rane into much trouble & vexation, as well as he had troubled others, for M^r.

  11. Sityate side next to the sea, which we doe herby agree, conclude, & detirmine shall belong to y^e jurisdition of Massachusetts.

  12. Nymphs bred high ‭ On tops of hills, or in the founts of floods, ‭ In herby marshes, or in leafy woods?

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "herby" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.