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Example sentences for "hidden treasure"

  • Hidden treasure is not a thing to be investigated scientifically, nor can anything restore a glamour once gone.

  • The thrill of hidden treasure, the lure of adventure, the joy of escape from in-door days--all these are part of it.

  • If we succeed, and you discover a rich mine or a hidden treasure, you shall then pay me what it pleases you.

  • If I am fortunate enough to discover a rich mine or a hidden treasure, I shall be in a position to satisfy his demand.

  • I need not say that a hidden treasure would be of vastly more use to me than the richest gold mine in the world.

  • The other individual turned out to be Sir Arthur Wardour, and their business evidently had reference to the discovery of hidden treasure, by means of consulting the heavenly bodies or some friendly spirit.

  • And the Darien Indians used the seeds of the Datura sanguinea to produce in children prophetic delirium, during which they revealed the whereabouts of hidden treasure.

  • The many ancient burial places existing all over Jutland," said Hardy, "must have given rise to traditions of hidden treasure.

  • All the wealth of dead ages lies as a hidden treasure-house for him who can with wizardry open these portals and bring back the Northern poesie.

  • All have laboured after it in vain; it is as hard to seek as hidden treasure, and one never finds it.

  • Some sorcerers do boast they have a rod, Gathered with vows and sacrifice, That, borne aloft, will strangely nod To hidden treasure where it lies.

  • Bob's been preaching to me ever since he came here about modernizing the old farm and digging up our 'Hidden Treasure,' as he calls it.

  • Everywhere are grim, doleful evidences of a glory that is past and a population that is dead or moved away.

  • Added to this, the exits and entrances are all up and down hill, and, accordingly, the roadways of suburban Marseilles are a terror to stranger automobilists and an eternal regret to those who live near-by.

  • It would be no easy matter, for it would be unwise to express any marked curiosity about the hidden treasure or to show his personal desire to find it.

  • It would, of course, take them some time to discover the chamber which held the hidden treasure, but it was sufficiently thrilling to be drawing nearer and nearer to the hills.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hidden treasure" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being first; but has; college girl; diuers places; earth life; evil spoken; first arrived; fixed time; general agent; hidden away; hidden from; hidden treasure; husband will; mamma says; numerous species; polished stone; rural police; send representatives; shall flee; silk purse; slow cooking; three slices; transshipment point for cocaine; you all