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Example sentences for "hirselfe"

Lexicographically close words:
hirer; hirers; hires; hiring; hirpling; hirsute; hirt; hirundines; his; hisce
  1. Charles at the first, but after she was thrust into an abbeie, and demeaned hirselfe so lewdlie there, in keeping companie with one of hir owne countriemen, that she was banished the house, and after died in great miserie.

  2. In this meane while queene Emma the widow of king Egelred, doubting the fortune of the warre, sent hir two sonnes Alfred and Edward ouer into Normandie vnto hir brother duke Richard, or rather fled thither hirselfe with them (as some write.

  3. Sidenote: The citie of London submitteth hirselfe to the K.

  4. Shall I be so voyde of wisdome to suffer the yonge Princesse to see hirselfe contempned of mee, thereby to conuert hir loue to teares, by setting hir mynde upon an other, that shall seek mine ouerthrow?

  5. So excellent, and couragious in Feates of armes as Bellona hirselfe could not procreate a lustier.

  6. And on the other part thinking, that the more pleasaunt and amorous she shewed hirselfe to be, the more hir beauty should be esteemed, chiefly of him whom specially shee was disposed to loue.

  7. Then he tolde them how Iulietta did kill hirselfe with the Dagger of Rhomeo to beare him company after his death, and how it was impossible for them to saue hir for the noyse of the watch which forced theym to flee from thence.

  8. The lyke misliking of hirselfe is in mistresse Lucia, who (as you see) may be numbred amongs the fayrest.

  9. Who knoweth not the fury of a woman: specially the Noble dame, by seeing hirselfe despised?

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hirselfe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.