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Example sentences for "holloaing"

Lexicographically close words:
hollers; hollies; hollin; hollo; holloa; holloed; holloing; hollow; hollowe; hollowed
  1. Mrs. Yammerton anxiously, well knowing the danger of holloaing before you are out of the wood.

  2. The mare started forward at the sound, and catching Tippy Tom with the shafts in the side, nearly upset Geordey Gallon, who, like Sir Moses, was holloaing on the Frenchman.

  3. He willingly condemns himself to spend life between his wretched little booth and his Ebenezer, to waste the week and keep the Sabbath holy by the 'holloaing of anthems.

  4. Then I heard a voice holloaing out, "Hi, Tommy!

  5. After a moment's hesitation due, no doubt, to bashfulness, the latter assented, and in a trice the whole party went whooping and holloaing in the direction of the Blue Boar.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "holloaing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.