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Example sentences for "hundredweights"

Lexicographically close words:
hundredfold; hundreds; hundredth; hundredths; hundredweight; hundret; hundreth; hunerd; hung; hunged
  1. Thousands of hundredweights are annually exported, and yet the productiveness of the meadows is in no way diminished, although they never receive more nitrogen than they originally contained.

  2. The meadows of Holland have, in the lapse of centuries, produced millions of hundredweights of cheese.

  3. Nevertheless, during some fifty years, only about six hundredweights were delivered annually at these places; the rest disappeared, though at first nobody could suspect it.

  4. Heretofore it required a whole apparatus of boilers and loads and loads of wood to bring it to smelting heat, but since I got that cylinder-stove, ten hundredweights of metal can be melted in ten minutes.

  5. One night, at about eleven o'clock, a tremendous blow was heard to strike the roof-tree, as if two or three hundredweights of Alps had come down upon it.

  6. He replies, "I cannot, it would occupy too much of my time; I should produce only five hundredweights of iron during the time I am occupied in making a clock.

  7. Here is a man who makes a French clock, which he can exchange in Belgium for ten hundredweights of iron.

  8. For an hour or two he toiled hard, grubbing out hundredweights of soil and gravel from round about the rock.

  9. Even those sure-footed horses stumbled continually, and where the wind had swept the thin snow away, the iron on the sliding hoofs clanged on ice-streaked rock, or hundredweights of loose gravel rattled down the incline.

  10. For his pay he asked a suit of clothes and a sword each year: a sword of five hundredweights the first year, one of ten hundredweights the second year, and one of fifteen hundredweights the third year.

  11. And this time Knoes had his sword of ten hundredweights at his side, and he cut off all ten of the troll's heads.

  12. Then he hauled the troll ashore; but he had his sword of five hundredweights at his side, and with it he chopped off all five of the troll's heads, and the princess was free.

  13. But the fifteen hundredweights were half-an-ounce short, and the heads grew on again, and the troll took the princess, and carried her off with him.

  14. Knoes had his sword of fifteen hundredweights at his side, and with it he cut off all the troll's heads.

  15. Many millions of hundredweights of food are yearly squandered because the provisions for gathering in the crops are inadequate, or there is a scarcity of hands at the right time.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hundredweights" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.