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Example sentences for "hybridity"

Lexicographically close words:
hybiscus; hybrid; hybridisation; hybridised; hybridism; hybridization; hybridize; hybridized; hybridizing; hybrids
  1. In the animal world, in the wild state, hybrids are rarely if ever produced, and it is only from the experiments of the naturalists that the law of hybridity has been explained.

  2. The identity of the dog and wolf has heretofore been undetermined, and the degrees of hybridity of the dog with the wolf and jackal were before unknown.

  3. The dog and jackal at the fourth generation, and who can tell whether the law of hybridity might not show itself in man, after a longer succession of generations.

  4. On the Phenomena of Hybridity in the Genus Homo,' Eng.

  5. Hershey stated that he believed it to be a hican, basing his opinion in part on its showing hybridity as it is such a strong grower.

  6. The most commonly seen forms which appear to be due to hybridity are in the case of certain Japanese walnut seedlings in the East.

  7. This amounts to the same thing, namely, that the Mulattoes of the second, third, and fourth degree are more prolific than those of the first, which certainly corresponds with the laws of hybridity among animals.

  8. The hybridity of Whites and Negroes is thus, at least, equal to what we described in animals by the name of paragenesic hybridity.

  9. From the whole of our researches on the hybridity of the human race we obtain the following results:-- 1.

  10. The study of hybridity in birds and quadrupeds has taught us that we can never know with certainty, before making the experiment, what will be the result of crossing.

  11. His first essay on hybridity appeared in 1842.

  12. This leads us to study human hybridity in such regions where the most elevated races have come into contact with the most inferior races.

  13. This part of the subject will be again referred to when the very difficult problems presented by hybridity are discussed.

  14. The color of the buds, whether they were green, bronze green or reddish brown, could be fairly well depended upon to indicate their hybridity in many cases.

  15. Some of these nuts were results of crosses, and showed their hybridity in the young seedlings that resulted there from.

  16. This is a very strong indication of hybridity with wild hazel or Winkler.

  17. Since irregularities in size and shape indicate hybridity frequently and since heartnuts are easily hybridized I have assumed that these were pollinized by the mixture.

  18. Ohio black walnuts, when planted, usually produce vigorous stocks, many of which show hybridity of some sort.

  19. But domestication changes and almost obliterates many natural instincts, and hence hybridity is far more common among domesticated animals and plants.

  20. How idle, then, to suppose that the laws of hybridity will account for such radical and entire transmutations as this hypothesis supposes!

  21. Hybridity appears to be in a measure unnatural; and the old proverb true in respect to it-- "Si furca naturam expellas, Usque recurret.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hybridity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.