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Example sentences for "hydrocephalus"

Lexicographically close words:
hydro; hydrobromic; hydrocarbon; hydrocarbons; hydrocele; hydrochlorate; hydrochloric; hydrochloride; hydrocyanic; hydroelectric
  1. Hydrocephalus may occur, either as an idiopathic or symptomatic affection.

  2. AYRE calls our attention to the fact, that the forms of hydrocephalus denominated by Dr.

  3. In chronic hydrocephalus the head of an infant three months old has measured 29 in.

  4. If the meninges of the brain sympathize with other torpid parts, or are primarily affected, delirium, stupor, and perhaps hydrocephalus internus occur, see Class II.

  5. Hydrocephalus internus, or dropsy of the ventricles of the brain, is fatal to many children, and some adults.

  6. In the hydrocephalus internus, where both eyes are not become insensible, the patient squints with only one eye, and views objects with the other, as in common strabismus.

  7. This subject should nevertheless be nicely determined, before any one should trepan for the hydrocephalus internus, when the disease is shewn to exist only on one side of the brain, by a squinting affecting but one eye; as proposed in Class I.

  8. The disorders to which the young are more peculiarly liable afford a presumption, that hydrocephalus internus is an inflammatory disease; and this is confirmed by the regularity of the period, within which it finishes its course.

  9. He had convulsion fits two days preceding his death, and the well-known symptoms of hydrocephalus internus all made their appearance.

  10. I suppose the same must happen on compressing the hydrocephalus externus?

  11. Their operation is by inverting the motions of the lymphatics of the membrane, which lines the nostrils, and the caverns of the forehead and cheeks; and may thence possibly be of service in the hydrocephalus internus.

  12. The hydrocephalus internus is distinguished from apoplexy by its being attended with fever, and from nervous fever by the paroxysms being very irregular, with perfect intermissions many times in a day.

  13. Beddoes on hydrocephalus internus, I esteem a valuable addition to the article on that subject at Class I.

  14. And lastly, that as these cases of hydrocephalus end so fatally, a new mode of treating them is much to be desired, and deserves to be seriously attended to.

  15. Internal hydrocephalus is a disease of mature horses, and consists in the accumulation of an excessive quantity of fluid in the cavities or ventricles of the cerebrum.

  16. Anti-syphilitic treatment should be tried in the hydrocephalus of infants and young children.

  17. Hydrocephalus being a symptom rather than a disease, no method of treatment which does not remove the primary cause can be permanently curative.

  18. Every form of hydrocephalus may follow the rachitical process.

  19. The state of the encephalon in those patients in whom spurious hydrocephalus occurs is interesting.

  20. The commencement of spurious hydrocephalus is announced by gradually increasing drowsiness, perhaps preceded by a period of unusual fretfulness.

  21. Spurious hydrocephalus either continues till death, or by stimulation the patient may emerge from it.

  22. In the advanced stage of the disease also, when symptoms of spurious hydrocephalus occur, opium should be withheld or cautiously administered, since it might tend to increase the fatal stupor in which severe cases are apt to terminate.

  23. Afterward, when the craniotabes has healed, the secondary effusions will generally also disappear, but not a few cases of hydrocephalus may be traced to rachitis occurring during the first half year of life.

  24. In some cases of hydrocephalus pints of serum are effused, distending the brain and head enormously, and in many cases of insanity the ventricles and membranes of the brain are distended with serum.

  25. Von Ziemssen regards chronic hydrocephalus as not a rare consequence of epidemic meningitis, and as one not absolutely or immediately fatal.

  26. The tache méningitique of Trousseau is a pink or rose-red line left for a time after drawing the finger across the forehead or abdomen in cases of acute hydrocephalus (tubercular meningitis).

  27. To be rubbed on the head in hydrocephalus or water on the brain in doses of half a drachm to a drachm.

  28. Acute hydrocephalus influences respiration in such a way that it slackens and becomes irregular.

  29. I found him with every symptom of hydrocephalus internus.

  30. That gentleman had lately taken his degree, and had chosen hydrocephalus for the subject of his thesis in the year 1779.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hydrocephalus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.