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Example sentences for "hydrometers"

Lexicographically close words:
hydrolysis; hydrolytic; hydrolyzed; hydromel; hydrometer; hydropathic; hydropathy; hydrophobia; hydrophobic; hydrophone
  1. The graduation of hydrometers is not made to any uniform system.

  2. Some hydrometers are graduated so as to show at a glance the percentage composition of the liquid they are intended to be used with.

  3. To this end an immense variety of hydrometers have been devised, differing mainly in the character of their scales.

  4. Sikes's hydrometers shall, upon trial by any officer or officers of the customs or excise, denote such spirits to be.

  5. Besides the above, many hydrometers have been employed for special purposes.

  6. The various devices which have been adopted to overcome this difficulty will be described in the account given of the several hydrometers which have been hitherto generally employed.

  7. Perhaps the main object for which hydrometers have been constructed is the determination of the value of spirituous liquors, chiefly for revenue purposes.

  8. The two hydrometers should be immersed in the same liquid and the tube of the newly made instrument marked to correspond with the markings on the borrowed instrument.

  9. If the liquid is heavier than water to start with, its specific gravity can be reduced by adding water, and as the water is added the hydrometers will both rise.

  10. The hydrometers used in England are generally adjusted to the standard temperature of 60 deg.

  11. Some hydrometers are constant-volume hydrometers, and on these weights are placed always, to sink the hydrometer to the same depth in the liquid.

  12. Arbitrary scale hydrometers are used to indicate the concentration or strength of syrup, brines or milk.

  13. Specific-gravity hydrometers used in the household show the ratio of the weight of a given volume of liquid to the weight of the same volume of water at a definite temperature.

  14. Delco-Light Ampere-Hour Meter] Hydrometers The standard hydrometer for service men is known as the Type V-2B.

  15. The hydrometers may either be provided with a scale indicated on the neck or else with weights added to sink the hydrometer to a certain mark.

  16. The first instruments are called hydrometers of "constant immersion," the others, of "variable immersion.

  17. All hydrometers comprise essentially a graduated stem of uniform diameter, a bulb forming a float and a counterpoise or ballast.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hydrometers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.