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Example sentences for "hydropathy"

Lexicographically close words:
hydrolyzed; hydromel; hydrometer; hydrometers; hydropathic; hydrophobia; hydrophobic; hydrophone; hydrophones; hydropic
  1. The constitution of water being unknown, and supposed to consist of only the gases, hydropathy is condemned, like mesmerism, through the ignorance and intolerance of professionals, themselves falsely educated at best.

  2. Yet doctors insist that hydropathy is not medicinal or curative, or why not adopt the practice?

  3. Constipation and relaxation of the bowels proceed from the same causes, weakness and impurities; hydropathy corrects both.

  4. These diseases are more easily conquered by Hydropathy than by any other means.

  5. The Surgeon's profession would be a very poor one if Hydropathy were generally understood.

  6. The same may be said of chronic gout, except in isolated cases: then Hydropathy invariably gives relief; and by regulating the functions of the body, improves the general health.

  7. I declared with Hydropathy he might be made to wait at table the same day.

  8. The following statement to me in writing, by an American gentleman, shews the value that ought to be set on hydropathy by ladies.

  9. Chronic disease cannot be permanently cured by drugs: Hydropathy alone will effect this, by changing the chronic evil to acute eruptions, which are cured in the same way that acute diseases are cured.

  10. Though the days of Hydropathy had not yet arrived, the world, even then, had a good deal of water in it, and physicians were sometimes wise enough to use it.

  11. The days of hydropathy had now arrived; but I was not a full convert, as I have already told you, to the exclusive use of cold water in disease.

  12. The convivial Punch never smiled on it, as may be gathered from the verses he printed in March, 1869, when hydropathy was still in its prime, on "Sound Port and Principles.

  13. After a few months he was perfectly restored, not by either hydropathy or homeopathy, but, no doubt, by nature.

  14. The man, however, feels convinced that hydropathy and homeopathy cured him.

  15. Hydropathy is oftentimes very serviceable in preventing and in curing costiveness; and as it will sometimes prevent the necessity of administering medicine, it is both a boon and a blessing.

  16. Hydropathy was generally practised by the Romans, who established baths wherever they went.

  17. I cannot in the least understand how hydropathy can act as it certainly does on me.

  18. As usual, Hydropathy has made a man of me for a short time: I hope the sea will do Mrs. Hooker much good.

  19. God knows whether I shall ever be good at anything again, perhaps a long rest and hydropathy may do something.

  20. The votaries of hydropathy are rarely victims of grave malady.

  21. I know you look well, but you are ill, my child; though, Heaven be praised, the sea air and hydropathy are already doing you a monstrous deal of good.

  22. It is hydropathy on a large scale, as Captain Spike says; and when he gets us into blue water, he has promised that you shall have all the benefits of the treatment.

  23. This leads us to notice the introduction of the curiously misnamed system known as hydropathy (q.

  24. The name "hydropathic" is still retained for these establishments, though hydropathy so-called is no longer practised within them to any extent.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hydropathy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.