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Example sentences for "hystory"

Lexicographically close words:
hysterical; hysterically; hysterics; hysteron; hystorie; hyther; hyuer; hyuh; hyun; hyur
  1. Hystory is the more rare and worthy of notyng, for respect of the People and Countrey, where seldome or neuer Curtesie haunteth or findeth harborough, and where Nature doth bryng forth greater store of monsters, than thinges worthy of praise.

  2. For as the Wryter of this Hystory reporteth, it was thoughte that the same was done by Diuyne Prouydence.

  3. Twenty two yeares past or thereabouts I translated this present Hystory out of the Latine tongue.

  4. Yet Phileno was more pityfull ouer the 3 nymphes and fayre Goddesses of Bologna, whose Hystory you may reade in the 49 Nouell of my former Tome.

  5. Well, how so euer it was, and what differency betweene eyther of theym, this Hystory ensuinge, more aptly shall gieue to vnderstande.

  6. But we haue discoursed inough hereof, sith diuersity of other hystories do call vs to bring the same in place, which were not mutch more happy than the bloudy end of those, whose Hystory ye haue already heard.

  7. The Hystory writtone by Thucidides the Athenyan of the warre which was betwene the Peloponesians and the Athenyans.

  8. The Hystory of the two valyaunte brethren Valentyne and Orson .

  9. Hector Boethius, 'Heir beginnis the hystory and croniklis of Scotland.

  10. We may be more confident about the one good cut (the rest are a scratch lot) in the 1513 edition of Lydgate's The hystory sege and dystruccion of Troy.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hystory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.