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Example sentences for "inchoative"

Lexicographically close words:
inchanting; inched; inches; inching; inchoate; incidence; incident; incidental; incidentally; incidentals
  1. Verbs in -scō derived from Adjectives, usually with Inchoative meaning.

  2. These usually have Inchoative or Inceptive meaning (see § 155, 1).

  3. It consists in inchoative disturbances or excitements of the organs or fluids that serve generation (e.

  4. The word rummeis is no doubt of Romance origin, an inchoative in -sco from Lat.

  5. For, if the whole cosmos is and must be fashioned after that supreme pattern, how much more must the church, which is the inchoative and initial perfection of the whole cosmos, the cosmos of personalities!

  6. The completion of the inchoative society, brought about by the supernatural element of union, and by the incorporation 842 with the Theanthropos.

  7. A moment by which the Theanthropos attaches his infinite energy to a visible instrument, and through which he carries that initial and inchoative similitude and union to a definite and determinate growth.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inchoative" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aboriginal; aspect; autochthonous; beginning; budding; creation; elemental; elementary; embryonic; fetal; formative; fundamental; inaugural; inceptive; inchoate; incipient; infant; infantile; initial; initiative; initiatory; introductory; inventive; nascent; original; parturient; pregnant; prenatal; primal; primary; prime; primeval; primitive; procreative; rudimentary