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Example sentences for "linage"

Lexicographically close words:
limply; limpness; limps; limy; lin; linchpin; lindane; lindens; lindos; line
  1. Shalt thou being set apart, and chosen foorth of all thy linage for thy godlie deserts, be reserued to liue an hundred yeares, or remaine on earth till thou be as old as Methusalem?

  2. Those of his linage hath got of the Tartares many countries since they were driven out of China, the which are on the other side of the mightie wall.

  3. And there was of this linage three kings, and reigned seuen and thirtie yeares, against the last of these rose vp Tonco.

  4. Al the linage of men that ben in erthe ben of semblable birthe.

  5. Wherfore I saye in sothnesse, that gentilesse in kinrede +maketh not gentil linage in succession, without desert of a mans own selfe.

  6. Whereof I am sory that 105 Japhetes children, for povert, in no linage ben rekened, and Caynes children, for riches, be maked Japhetes heires.

  7. He that plente hath in riches, of his kinne is ashamed; another of linage right noble and wel 70 knowe, but povert him handleth; he were lever unknowe.

  8. And within fewe dayes after, all the whole linage of those dead persons did follow the same way, and not one escaped.

  9. Only the linage of man heveth heyeste his heye heved, and stondeth light with his up-right body, and biholdeth the erthes under him.

  10. Also about that time, when the linage of the kings of England was in maner extinct, the English people were much carefull (as hath béene said) about the succession of those that should inioie the crowne.

  11. The linage of Cerdicus was in that season so confounded and mingled, that euerie one as he grew in greatest power, stroue to be king and supreame gouernour.

  12. And yet seith this Pamphilles moreover: that "they that been thralle and bonde of [228] linage shullen been maad worthy and noble by the richesses.

  13. Linage was for a number of years Treasurer and Comptroller of the India House.

  14. To moche trusted I, wel may I pleyne, 2525 Upon your linage and your faire tonge, And on your teres falsly out y-wronge.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "linage" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.