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Example sentences for "mazourka"

Lexicographically close words:
maysters; maze; mazed; mazer; mazes; mazurka; mazurkas; mazy; mbarked
  1. In the country where the Mazourka reigns from the palace to the cottage, these gradations are pursued, for a longer or shorter time, with as much ardor and enthusiasm as malicious trifling.

  2. His remarks on the Polonaise and Mazourka are full of the philosophy and essence of history.

  3. If he plays it in the same manner in which he accompanied "True Happiness," you will hear how this mazourka should not be played.

  4. The next day I am forced to sigh again over the same, miserable, poorly and tediously performed Funeral March of Chopin, and over the timorous B major Mazourka by Schulhoff.

  5. Even when you can get through the mazourka tolerably well, you must not think, on that account, that you will be able to play it in company, under trying circumstances.

  6. The only reply was a furious mazourka of all the dishes on the table.

  7. The Mazourka of Liszt was recommended as one of the most delightful of his lighter pieces.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mazourka" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.