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Example sentences for "mussing"

Lexicographically close words:
musquitoes; muss; mussed; mussel; mussels; musst; mussy; must; musta; mustache
  1. But what has that to do with mussing the living room?

  2. Both of them had expected dire results for mussing Wong's kitchen, but instead he wanted them to teach him to make fudge.

  3. She declared that he deserved a mussing and drove him to a corner to make the threat good, and only relented when she had exacted a promise from him never to leave her out again in any of his literary connivings with Nan.

  4. Sit down right there in your little chair, Amy; I'll let you off from that mussing if you tell the truth.

  5. He backed away and began drawing on his coat, and she abandoned the idea of mussing him to make sure his tie didn't crawl up over his collar.

  6. Jernyngham was bad enough, but he can't come near you at mussing up our plans.

  7. We've had Jernyngham interfering and mussing up the tracks, and now Prescott's getting ready to butt in.

  8. Mussing with colleges, some," he said, "just now.

  9. But you would never think of touching such a complete and perfect thing during the week the way you would a poorer sermon, disturbing it hopefully or mussing it over, trying to work some of it into your own life.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mussing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.