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Example sentences for "old gentleman"

  • An old gentleman, apparently from the country, one day entered the room of this medium and expressed a desire for a "sperit communication.

  • There was an old gentleman in Paris, who sold a famous eye-water, and made much gain thereby.

  • All his speculations had of late gone wrong with the luckless old gentleman.

  • She has got her master, old gentleman, and that is what she never had before.

  • He came near me no more; but devoted himself to an old gentleman in long gaiters, to meet whom a pint of special port seemed to come out of the cellar of its own accord, for he gave no order.

  • Dora was talking to an old gentleman with a grey head.

  • On the morning following these extraordinary occurrences, there was seated an old gentleman, wearing blue spectacles, on a secluded seat on the Parade at Brighton.

  • That little `old gentleman' at the end of the room was Herrion, and I expect he's looking for you.

  • Apollonius was told to bring the account books into the old gentleman's room at once.

  • Lying thus on his hands and knees before the old gentleman he cried out in an agony of fear, "What do you want, father?

  • Valentine noticed nothing of the feverish suspense with which the old gentleman awaited an answer to the question which he had disguised as an exclamation.

  • The presence of the farmer's wife and children, two lady refugees, and an old gentleman, who was also a refugee, added greatly to the novelty and pleasure of the meal.

  • The three refugees before mentioned were an old gentleman, his aged wife, and their widowed daughter.

  • By an old Gentleman of Gray's Inn, lately retired to a country-life.

  • But for me, I'll tell you what you would have done, old gentleman.

  • Gently does it, old gentleman," he repeated, lifting the covers from the dishes, and looking under them one after the other all round the table.

  • It's a gift, old gentleman, of the sort that is given to very few people--and it lodges here.

  • There it is at the present moment, old gentleman, in my black bag.

  • In the afternoon this same youth called us all to enjoy a trick he had played upon the old gentleman.

  • Old gentleman appears at window with nightcap on and sheet wrapped round him, and shakes his fist at cat.

  • Come to get him smoothed down and combed out, and he was as pleasant an old gentleman as ever I see.

  • Them pep'mints is made by an old gentleman in East Cyrus.

  • What do you think of that, Old Gentleman?

  • I can't stand it much longer, Old Gentleman.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "old gentleman" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    acute angle; after which; dying woman; fallen snow; help from; higher plants; independent company; moment more; much altered; old acquaintance; old age; old boy; old chap; old days; old enough; old fellow; old maid; old woman; olden time; olden times; older ones; older people; our enemies; sent thither; three hundred thousand francs; various stages