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Example sentences for "rhapsodical"

Lexicographically close words:
rhadamanthine; rhag; rhaps; rhapsodes; rhapsodic; rhapsodies; rhapsodist; rhapsodists; rhapsody; rhatany
  1. To skim these flighty and rhapsodical letters is to miss the information that may be extracted from them.

  2. This part is written in a euphuistic, rhapsodical vein, and affords an indication of the saturation of Urquhart's mind with the style of Rabelais.

  3. Chopin wrote to Titus the same rhapsodical protestations and finally declared in meticulous peevishness, "I will no longer read what people write about me.

  4. Liszt, despite the rhapsodical praise of his friend, is not always to be relied upon.

  5. All this reads like a rhapsody; but indeed it is difficult not to be rhapsodical when a May night of Amalfi is in the memory, with the echo of rich baritone voices chanting Neapolitan songs to a mandoline.

  6. IV This is indeed a rhapsodical production.

  7. He also wrote a paraphrase on the "Song of Solomon," turning it into a rhapsodical eulogy of the Virgin Mary, carrying versification to what seemed then its utmost limits.

  8. The character of the Tuppah is not very clear, but the Ragni is a direct descendant of the old magic songs and incantations; in character it is rhapsodical and spasmodic.

  9. Parker's wife testified to the fact that he was rhapsodical and eccentric, but the plea failed to save his life.

  10. In a long and rhapsodical letter to Herder he depicts the intellectual and spiritual experiences through which he was now passing.

  11. Its rhapsodical style, as well as the conceptions of art and nature which it embodies, directly recall Young's Conjectures on Original Composition.

  12. It was very imperfect in point of art, and its second part--a rhapsodical description of a sort of Unitarian Utopia--is quite unreadable.

  13. I might say that while Brahms is characterised by a musing reflective element, in Liszt a rhapsodical element has the upper hand, and can be felt as a disturbing element in his weaker works.

  14. Heaven is described in the same rhapsodical style as in the Fis Adamnáin, the Félire Oengusa, etc.

  15. The rhapsodical description of Heaven, which concludes the work as it now stands, is likewise a matter of ‘common form.

  16. He addressed to them a rhapsodical appeal to nerve themselves for the great work.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rhapsodical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.