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Example sentences for "small shot"

  • This arises from unexploded grains of powder acting as pellets of small shot.

  • Lowe states that in some experiments it was found that a round aperture might be produced by a discharge of small shot at a much greater distance than that assigned by Dr.

  • Even admitting such exceptional instances, it will scarcely ever occur that a wound from a small shot can be mistaken for one produced by a leaden bullet.

  • I had not marched far, but I heard a volley of small shot, answered by two or three more, which I presently apprehended to be at the turnpike, where I had left a small guard of twenty-six men with a lieutenant.

  • But turning his flank into a front, he saluted the enemy, as they passed by him in pursuit of the rest, with such terrible volleys of small shot, as cost them the lives of abundance of their men.

  • But it was too heavy, and its writhings continued even after the boys had fired a charge of small shot at close quarters through the reptile's head.

  • A charge of small shot is much more destructive to blood vessels, tendons, and ligaments than a single bullet, which in many cases pushes such structures aside without dividing them.

  • As the ship lay becalmed, and it appeared probable that the savages intended to make an attack, the gunner was ordered to fire one of the guns loaded with round and small shot.

  • The marines were therefore landed, and took possession of two large double sailing canoes; but the chiefs restored the articles, and brought on board a man who had been slightly wounded by small shot, stretched on a board as if dead.

  • I accordingly gave orders to the corporal, to have the pieces of the sentinels loaded with ball, instead of small shot.

  • The captain desired him to desist; but the man persisting in his insolence, he was at length provoked to fire a load of small shot.

  • He then paused a little, and was on the point of giving his orders to reimbark, when a man threw a stone at him, which he returned with a discharge of small shot (with which one barrel of his double piece was loaded.

  • A musket was fired over them, and they retired to where they had left their spears, and then one threw a stone at the boat, and as they were too far away for any serious damage to be done, Cook fired a charge of small shot at him.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "small shot" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    commit suicide; shall attempt; small amounts; small bundle; small capitals; small circle; small cove; small extent; small fort; small handful; small house; small importance; small lake; small letters; small lump; small numbers; small party; small price; small quantities; small scale; small size; small space; small trees; small tribe; small wares; smaller number