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Example sentences for "smugness"

Lexicographically close words:
smuggler; smugglers; smuggles; smuggling; smugly; smut; smutch; smutted; smutty; smyle
  1. It runs monotonously to ready explanations, a somewhat infantile smugness and hopefulness, a habit of reducing the unknowable to terms of the not worth knowing.

  2. I hate the smugness of London, especially the smugness of the anti-smug anti-bourgeois radicals, so that I have the finest mad mood!

  3. In short, so long as you keep moving toward something worth attaining, there is nothing to worry about but how to keep from relapsing into smugness or idleness.

  4. Nowhere is smugness of mind more deadly than in journalism.

  5. This is a true and practical charity that does not smack of smugness or pretence as do many acts questionably classed under that head.

  6. If he find it, he is content; if he do not, all the smugness and propriety of imported manners and customs in the dinner service will not make him so.

  7. The romantic violence of expression is at once a proof of “soul” and a protest against the tameness and smugness of the pseudo-classicist.

  8. Of the smugness of the kind Mrs. Treharne meant when she employed the word, there was not an atom in Louise's composition.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "smugness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    butter; conceit; gall; glibness; incense; narcissism; pride; primness; smugness; snobbery; stuffiness; vainglory