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Example sentences for "tatter"

Lexicographically close words:
tatooed; tatos; tatou; tatra; tats; tatterdemalion; tatterdemalions; tattered; tatters; tattie
  1. Our Halvor was so lazy and dull, he never did a thing; and besides, he was so ragged, that one tatter took hold of the next tatter on him.

  2. But I wonder who is responsible for that tatter of rhyme and melody that had come to them from nowhere in particular?

  3. Canadian French they proved to be; could tatter English a little; and with the passage of speech the flow of sympathy began, and we felt them to be human.

  4. Only here and there toward its lower rim a tatter in it revealed the giant's rugged brown muscle of volcanic rock.

  5. Wasn't it enough for ye to tatter my consarn, without bilkin me of my bill?

  6. Our Halvor was so lazy and dull, he never did a thing; and besides, he was so ragged, that one tatter took hold of the next tatter on him.

  7. The flag was of a vivid crimson, darker a little than the "Tatter of Scarlet" I had seen go up at Aramon when the Communards expelled the troops from the town.

  8. We both stood silent and bareheaded as in the presence of the dead, for both of us knew that we had looked our last upon the "Tatter of Scarlet.

  9. We had had our first glimpse of "The Tatter of Scarlet.

  10. Now quite unexpectedly we saw the "tatter of scarlet" from a new angle.

  11. Unhappy sugary brethren, this is all untrue, this other; contrary to the fact; not a tatter of it will hang together in the wind and weather of fact.

  12. You will cut off the paltry tatter of a pretended body-coat, I think, and fling that to the nettles; and imperatively require one that fits your size better.

  13. Because the paltry tatter of a garment, reticulated for you out of thrums and listings in Downing Street, ties foot and hand together in an intolerable manner, will you relieve yourself by cutting off the hand or the foot?

  14. Doggie has gripped the man forlorn, Has the beggar's tatter torn--" She sang it more and more softly.

  15. Whether it was the red flag that floated at the top or the thing itself he sought to tatter is uncertain.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tatter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.