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Example sentences for "themselfs"

Lexicographically close words:
thematic; theme; themes; themperour; themself; themselues; themselves; themselvs; then; thence
  1. It soon bekums hackney'd, and its authors live prekariously for about 3 years on the fust 6 months ov their reputashun, and then go in their holes and only cum out onst in a while to sun themselfs and be stupid.

  2. But tomatoze hav worked themselfs up to a necessary, and i am the last man to injure their reputashun, for i beleave an innocent humbugg iz just az mutch right tew win, (if they kan) az any other man.

  3. The sudden ritch quite often find themselfs in the same ficks that mullatters are--just above what they started from, and just belo what they started for.

  4. Duks ought to hav a pair ov before leggs, and then they couldn't eat themselfs oph from their feet.

  5. They are much eazier tew git onto a hook than to git oph, for when yu draw them out ov the water they will tie themselfs and the fish line into more than 7 hundred dilemmas.

  6. They kan wind themselfs around the tallest oaks in the forest, and tare it up bi the roots, and lay waist a whole village in their wrath.

  7. Most people are like an egg, too phull ov themselfs to hold enny thing else.

  8. I hav seen them blow themselfs up with sentiments of pride or anger, and travel around a red flannel petticoat hung onto a clothes line just az tho they waz mad at the petticoat for sumthing it had, did, or sed tew them.

  9. They hav a festive way ov choking things tew death by making a cravat ov themselfs around the thruts ov their victims.

  10. Here iz just what's the matter--if yu shut yureself up folks will run after yu, and if yu run after folks they will shut themselfs up.

  11. They all kneel tew the logick of hiz tounge, and find themselfs at rest in his stummuk.

  12. Thare iz just az menny good wifes az thare iz good husbands, and i never knew two people, married or single, who were determined tew make themselfs agreeable to each other, but what they suckceeded.

  13. Thoze who hav never sukceeded themselfs are alwus the most reddy tew tell others how tew do it.

  14. It is a luxury to watch their daintyness, tew see them lay each feather with their bills, in its place, and preside over themselfs with az mutch delikasy and pride az a belle before her mirror.

  15. The flattery that men offer tew themselfs iz the most dangerous, bekause the least suspekted.

  16. Nash and the lieuts, don't hang a round with nobody only themselfs and when it comes to the majors and colonels I guess they don't even speak to their own wife only when they are danceing maybe and step on each others ft.

  17. So Simon says "Well I notice they's somebody over there at night times or else who throws up them flares as they don't throw themselfs up.

  18. France would have plenty to eat but if they sent any of the preserves over here the boat they come on must of stopped a torpedo and I hope the young mackerels won't make themselfs sick on sweets.

  19. But I said it would perchancely soften your heart toward them, if all should work harder to atone themselfs for the sin they had beplotted.

  20. By the time I had shown them six or fifteen of such pictures and read them the law for each of them, those miserable fellaheen and guards were beweeping themselfs harder and louder and sadder than I had seemed to.

  21. Why, howadji, it was with a difficultness that I kept them from running away and enhiding themselfs in the mountains, lest the soldiers of the pasha come upon them at once and punish them for trying to make strike!

  22. Till at last they all awoken and they came out of their huts and they reviled at me for disturbing them as they slept themselfs so happily.

  23. The probabilitiz iz that the abuv probabilitiz will assimilate themselfs tew the principal probabilitiz in the case.

  24. I never knu a fust rate humorist who waz a good laffer, they are willing to make other people laff, but prefer themselfs to stand by and look on.

  25. I hav seen them pitch on to each other, and having killed their man, close up the fite by stinging themselfs to death.

  26. He will hav 4 children, who will all pass through the meazles, with grate credit tew themselfs and no disgrace tew the meazles.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "themselfs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.