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Example sentences for "abuv"

Lexicographically close words:
abutment; abutments; abuts; abutted; abutting; abyd; abyde; abydeth; abyding; abysm
  1. Sez he, "A patrit is abuv them things, sir!

  2. Abuv all, don't assault a editer of this kind.

  3. From here until we giv notis on a later page, we wil uze som of those forms and a few more--all of which may be not too radical for present use in informal riting, as abuv mentioned, and may be regarded as transitional toward an ideal system.

  4. In wurdz directly from the Latin, az thair iz les differens ov axent between the silabls, the clozing ov the first silabl az abuv descriibd, iz not yuzual.

  5. It iz a grate deal eazier tew look upon thoze who are below us with pitty, than tew look upon thoze who are abuv us, without envy.

  6. Learned men will tell you that the abuv assershun iz one ov Josh Billings infernal lies, and yer hav a perfekt rite tew believe them, but i don't.

  7. Deference iz the best kard i know ov tew play, it iz not only eazier, but a grate deal more profitable to make 10 men think they are abuv you, than tew make one think you are abuv him.

  8. When eloquence and wisdum kontend for the superiority in a man, he haz got about az far abuv the rest ov us az he kan git.

  9. Not tew waste the time ov the reader, i hav thought best not tew finish the abuv sentence, hoping that their aint no person ov a good edukashun, and decent memory, but what kan reckolekt the time which i refer to, without enny ov mi help.

  10. Young man don't marry abuv or below yure rank, not that i think thare iz evry virtew in rank, but thare iz custom in it, and custom often outranks law and gospel.

  11. I dont kno, after all, but it iz jist about az well tew git abuv yure bizzness as it iz tew hav yure bizzness git abuv yu.

  12. The man who never makes enny blunders will never rise in the esteem ov the world abuv the reputashun ov a good guide-board.

  13. I know ov several other good rules tew follow, but the abuv will do tew begin with.

  14. Hiz only pride iz tew make you laff; he seldum rizes abuv a jest, and very often iz the only one who kan see enny point even in that.

  15. Envy iz sutch a constant companyun, that if we find no one abuv us to envy, we will envy thoze below us.

  16. The most important ones ar two Latin title deeds with Gothic signatures at Naples and Arezzo, and the abuv (with Codex A) mentiond fragment of a Gothic calendar.

  17. From the great number of exampls, however, we infer that the abuv paradim is by all means the regular one; the deviations just mentiond ar merely owing to confusion on the part of later copyists.

  18. Subject to the abuv rule ar also the preps.

  19. In this cautious way the frog iz built, and then for the fust time in his life, begins tew git his head abuv water.

  20. The probabilitiz iz that the abuv probabilitiz will assimilate themselfs tew the principal probabilitiz in the case.

  21. The top of the blu ridge, or first range of mountains in Virginia, iz about four thousand feet abuv its base.

  22. The few landholders who hav a little cash abuv their annual expenditures, wil not loan it; for they can make twelv, fifteen, eighteen per cent.

  23. I find the first used abuv eight hundred years ago, in the verses mentioned of king Lodbrog, when one of hiz exploits waz to hav conquered eight barons.

  24. So that the law, not only creates a scarcity in the first instance, but actually raizes the demand of interest much abuv the natural demand required by that scarcity.

  25. From the regions of air abuv theze mountains, proceed the serene cold winds which sweep the Atlantic states, purifying the atmosphere and bracing the bodies of animals.

  26. At ten o'clock at night, the meen heet at Charleston, waz ten degrees abuv that at Boston at nine o'clock.

  27. I am attached to America by berth, education and habit; but abuv all, by a philosophical view of her situation, and the superior advantages she enjoys, for augmenting the sum of social happiness.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "abuv" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.