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Example sentences for "unrealizable"

Lexicographically close words:
unrealisable; unrealised; unrealistic; unrealities; unreality; unrealized; unreaped; unreason; unreasonable; unreasonableness
  1. Internationalism, we might say, is a philosophic idea, although this might mean to some that we place it among the unrealizable and Utopian plans.

  2. Let us think of the school as a workshop in which there must be created the forces by which we must make a desired and an otherwise unrealizable future come to pass and we have a new and inspiring view of education.

  3. But we believe today, more strongly than ever before, as democracy advances, as peoples tend to gain more and more control over their governments, that even this may not be an unrealizable ideal.

  4. But all these living facts are wanting to our experience; and it is the suggestion of them in their unrealizable vagueness that fills the apartments of the monarch with such pungent expression.

  5. A mystical socialism is by no means unrealizable under certain conditions, and, far from constituting an obstacle to religious free-thought, it might become one of its most important manifestations.

  6. In my heart, I had a thousand modest and unrealizable desires which gilded my existence with imaginary hopes, though now, I really do not know that any fancy would make me get out of my armchair where I am dozing.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unrealizable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.