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Example sentences for "unrealized"

Lexicographically close words:
unrealised; unrealistic; unrealities; unreality; unrealizable; unreaped; unreason; unreasonable; unreasonableness; unreasonably
  1. Choice is an element in freedom and there can be no choice without unrealized and precarious possibilities.

  2. Our self-love, our refusal to face facts, combined perhaps with a sense of a possible better although unrealized self, leads us to eject the habit from the thought of ourselves and conceive it as an evil power which has somehow overcome us.

  3. Before leaving these infantile dreams, which are obviously unrealized desires, we must not fail to mention another chief characteristic of dreams, one that has been long noticed, and one which stands out most clearly in this class.

  4. We learnt that the most intelligible and meaningful dreams are unrealized desires; the desires they pictured as realized are known to consciousness, have been held over from the daytime, and are of absorbing interest.

  5. The former give the solid relatively formed elements of character; the latter, its ideal or unrealized possibilities.

  6. The fireless cooker prepares the meals 'with a perfection and deliciousness unrealized in the old days.

  7. But in serving these meals of a hitherto unrealized perfection and deliciousness, milord and milady must needs chase each other between kitchen and dining-room.

  8. But she knew that, where Jessie was concerned, the little Padre had only put into words those unspoken, almost unrealized feelings which had been hers all along.

  9. A desperateness quite unrealized until it was over, and complete victory had been achieved.

  10. But nothing happened; the emptied steamer pursued her quiet way, and the Earth, unrealized by her teeming freight so busy with their tiny personal aims, rushed forwards upon her glorious journey through space.

  11. In subtle and unrealized ways all the factors of our environment are so many sources of suggestion, constantly working upon our minds.

  12. We must include in the "interests" to be organized all our dumb and unrealized needs, all potential and latent impulses, as well as our articulate desires.

  13. The country was open below the sugaring grove, and the unbroken snow masked all the contours and mouldings of the fields, so that we found ourselves suddenly dropping into totally unrealized hollows and skimming up unrealized hillocks.

  14. Perhaps he was not directly conscious of telling a falsehood, for "faith" plays such havoc with the intellect that men cease to attach any living meaning to words, and come to deal habitually in those unrealized phrases which we call cant.

  15. She was still in a passion of rebellion against the inevitable--that old impatience and unrealized vanity which had helped to destroy her past.

  16. It represents the limitation, the unrealized (that is, the non-active) side of spiritual life.

  17. This scheme was more hopeful, and while unrealized during the life of our philosopher, was afterwards accomplished.

  18. The unrealized difficulty of this program lay in the widespread ignorance.

  19. But the spiritual losses from suppressed minorities may be vast and fatal and yet all unknown and unrealized because idea and dream and ability are paralyzed by brute force.

  20. These facts cannot be explained merely as man's share in the cosmic movement towards a yet unrealized perfection; such as the unachieved and self-evolving Divinity of some realist philosophers.

  21. But again, it must also be conceived as actually everything, and potentially nothing; for an unrealized potentiality is likewise a limitation.

  22. All ideal objects are "unrealized potentialities"; and yet they are the opposite of limitations proper.

  23. As the music flowed out again in summer fullness, he put out his arm along the back of the seat instinctively in answer to the girl's shy turning, the natural movement of their common equity in the night's unrealized wonder.

  24. These, while unrealized in human life, still exhibit the fact of a supernatural Revelation.

  25. If democracy is a dream, an unrealized dream, then any beautiful thing a poet says about it is true.

  26. Oswald tucked in his guns with unrealized relief.

  27. The next song on the programme is called 'The Unrealized Ideal,' and the music is by our distinguished visitor and patron, Sir Julian Crum.

  28. The Unrealized Ideal,'" he informed a neighbor.

  29. We should explain motion and life rather by their purpose or end, by that unrealized ideal which moving and living things seem to aspire to, and may be said to love.

  30. Shelley was the musician of landscape; he traced out its unrealized suggestions; transformed the things he saw into the things he would fain have seen.

  31. An unrealized emotion stirred faintly in her as she heard.

  32. He could trace every detail of his Vision to some intense but unrealized yearning, to some deep hope, desire, dream, as yet unfulfilled.

  33. It was disquieting, however, for it touched in him a vague sense of alarm, as though it paved the way for that odd panic terror he had been amazed to discover hidden away deeply in some unrealized corner of his being.

  34. This hint of divine beauty in the unrealized under-self?

  35. That kiss trembled, echoed, in her own greater unrealized self as well.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unrealized" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.