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Example sentences for "unreality"

Lexicographically close words:
unreal; unrealisable; unrealised; unrealistic; unrealities; unrealizable; unrealized; unreaped; unreason; unreasonable
  1. Her soul trembled as if from some almost imperceptible shock of disillusionment, and she knew again the sense of unreality which had come to her in the street on the day before.

  2. There was one great schoolman living against whom, despite the prolixity and barrenness of much of his logic, no charge of unreality or insincerity can be brought--John Wycliffe.

  3. The exuberance of the Oriental imagination has thrown a haze of unreality over all the descriptions of natural phenomena, and therefore the language of the inspired Psalmist must be amended.

  4. She kissed him and went up-stairs, and still he lingered, watching the moonlight and the moths, and that unreality of colouring which steals along and stains a summer night.

  5. They discussed the nature of their homes and previous existences, which had a kind of fascinating unreality up on that lonely height.

  6. The moon had freed herself above the poplars, and poured her unreality on the garden.

  7. It unconsciously invested the love-scenes with an air of unreality and grossness.

  8. Still without looking up, she added with feeling, "There is an awful sense of unreality about all this.

  9. They had only fixed with precision, as with a nail driven into her heart, that sense of unreality and deception which, instead of bliss and security, she had found in her intercourse with her promised husband.

  10. But while the man on the island was oppressed by a bizarre sense of unreality affecting the very ground upon which he walked, the mind of the Capataz of the Cargadores turned alertly to the problem of future conduct.

  11. For a few moments he sat stupidly, looking about him as if not quite believing the unreality of it all.

  12. She had urged him to go on, somewhere, anywhere, seeking for an illusion and an unreality which the spirits had named, to her as the Country Beyond.

  13. It was a little cry from Nada that drove the unreality away.

  14. Even to Hugh there was an air of unreality about the landing, as if this planet wasn't really Earth at all, despite its orbit around the sun, despite its familiar moon.

  15. He stared at the waves swelling against the shore and his sense of unreality deepened.

  16. She drew one hand--the other was still tightly clasped in his--across her eyes as if to brush away a veil of unreality which seemed to hang over everything, and looked again.

  17. It was as if the unreality of it all was passing away, and the knowledge came to her that she, Philippa, was listening to the outpourings of a man's inmost heart, of a love not intended for her.

  18. Nor did that sensation of unreality cease when her aunt began collecting her gloves, and they trooped forth to the drawing-room.

  19. All this did not favour the tenor of a studious, introspective life; it also brought a sense of unreality which made him avoid his best friends.

  20. In that long debate on the Land question, for which he had waited to make his first speech, he had already risen nine times without catching the Speaker's eye, and slowly a sense of unreality was creeping over him.

  21. With contemptuous movements of their lips and bodies, on that doorstep they proclaimed their emphatic belief in the virtue and reality of their own existences and in the vice and unreality of her intruding presence.

  22. And moods and feelings that seem so desperately real die in the unreality of sleep.

  23. I jotted down the following: 1) People can in no way agree to the unreality of all that is material.

  24. Only then can one understand and feel God when one has understood clearly the unreality of everything material.

  25. Her evening-clothes bestowed on her just that degree of unreality and distinction which made it romantic to speak to her, and stirred a desire to talk, which irritated him because he did not know how to begin.

  26. The terrible torture and unreality of the last days were over, and he had come out now into perfect certainty and peace.

  27. The mystery of life and the unreality even of one's own sensations overcame him as he walked down the corridor which led to his room.

  28. The mist of unreality had deepened and deepened until it had produced a feeling of numbness all over his body.

  29. But perhaps even deeper than his disillusionment with any Party was his growing sense of the unreality of the political scene.

  30. I have already referred to a debate on Monopoly between Chesterton and Mr. Gordon Selfridge, in which Selfridge, with the familiar unreality of the millionaire, maintained that there was no such thing.

  31. But indeed all this discussion of the contract was given an air of unreality by the extraordinary line the Chesterton Defence took.

  32. To require the reality of the persons is to require the unreality of the unity, and conversely, to require the reality of the unity is to require the unreality of the persons.

  33. In Coningsby we have risen out of the rose-coloured mist of unreality which hung over books like The Young Duke and Henrietta Temple.

  34. The feeling of unreality grew in the reporter's mind.

  35. A feeling of unreality began to obsess him, so that at times he felt like a ghost walking among sweating men, like a resurrection into life, but without life.

  36. A feeling of theatrical unreality was Bassett's chief emotion during the trying time that followed.

  37. A vituperative Jesuit of that age sees intolerable freethinking in his suggestion of the unreality of demoniacal possession and the futility of exorcisms.

  38. The old feeling of vagueness and unreality had come back to Edith.

  39. It was new to her, and was a part of that strange dislocation and unreality of life that she should have scruples.

  40. He went about that day with a strange sense of unreality concerning everything.

  41. His gaze passed away from her, and she leaned back in her chair, while the sense of strangeness and unreality vanished as quickly as it had come.

  42. The sense of mystery was still there, but the unreality had vanished.

  43. But they are simply extensions beyond your limited vision; for as long as you function in a world of unreality and error your Spiritual vision is incapable of discerning what lies beyond your present horizon, and must remain dormant.

  44. Dualistic ethics which find in matter the principle of unreality or evil, diminish the human interest in physical fact.

  45. Moreover, thoughts of the evil of the multiple world of sense held for Plotinus and his followers a bitterness of ethical unreality which Plato was too great an Athenian to feel.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unreality" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absence; airiness; appearance; deprivation; emptiness; falseness; fancy; ideal; idealism; idealization; immateriality; incorporeality; magic; magician; negation; nonentity; nothingness; nullity; romance; romanticism; seeming; semblance; show; simulacrum; sorcerer; sorcery; subtlety; unreality; vacancy; vacuum; vagueness; vanity; void