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Example sentences for "whider"

Lexicographically close words:
whey; which; whiche; whichever; whichsoever; whie; whiff; whiffed; whiffing; whiffletree
  1. I frayned hym first Fram whennes he come, And of whennes he were, And whider that he soughte.

  2. I affrayned hym first Fram whennes he come, And what he highte, and whider he wolde; And wightly he tolde.

  3. I, "if any wight wite Whider out it groweth.

  4. If that Criseyde allone were me laft, Nought roughte I whider thou woldest me stere; And hir, allas!

  5. But whider is thy reed,' quod Troilus, `That we may pleye us best in al this toun?

  6. God helpe me so, I can not tellen whider We mighten goon, if I shal soothly seyn, Ther any wight is of us more fayn Than Sarpedoun; and if we hennes hye Thus sodeinly, I holde it vilanye.

  7. And though so be that pees ther may be noon, Yet hider, though ther never pees ne were, 1360 I moste come; for whider sholde I goon, Or how mischaunce sholde I dwelle there Among tho men of armes ever in fere?

  8. But sey me this: remembrest thou what is the ende of thinges, and whider that the entencioun of alle kinde tendeth?

  9. But we that ben heye aboven, siker fro alle tumulte and wode noise, warnestored and enclosed in swich a 55 palis, whider as that chateringe or anoyinge folye ne may nat atayne, we scorne swiche ravineres and henteres of fouleste thinges.

  10. But whider is thy reed,' quod Troilus, 'That we may pleye us best in al this toun?

  11. But for thou seyst that thou art so desirous to herkne hem, with how gret brenninge woldest thou glowen, yif thou wistest whider I wol leden thee!

  12. Yif thou committest and bitakest thy sailes to the winde, thou shall be shoven, not thider that thou woldest, but whider that the 75 wind shoveth thee.

  13. And then I thoghte, anon as it was day, I wolde go som whider to assay If that I might a nightingale here; For yet had I non herd of al this yere, And hit was tho the thridde night of May.

  14. I wolde go som whider to assay If that I might a nightingale here; For yet had I non herd of al this yere.

  15. Fro thens he went, but whider wist I nought, 805 Nor to what part he drow, in sothfastnesse; But he no more was in his ladies thought, For to the daunce anon she gan her dresse.

  16. Gamelyn soughte his brother · whider he was flowe, And saugh wher he loked · out at a windowe.

  17. Go and chese thee the best · and spare non of alle 180 Of steedes or of coursers · that stonden hem bisyde; And tel me, goode brother · whider thou wolt ryde.

  18. Whider shal thanne the wrecched sinful man flee to hyden him?

  19. That no man sholde knowe of his entente, Ne whenne he cam, ne whider that he wente; 583.

  20. Tiburce answerde and seyde, 'brother dere, First tel me whider I shal, and to what man?

  21. Whider thou gost Ichil with the, And whider Y go thou schalt with me.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whider" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.