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Example sentences for "wher"

Lexicographically close words:
whens; whenso; whensoeuer; whensoever; whenst; wheras; wherat; wherby; where; whereabout
  1. Our selfes and all Arcadia shall be your guard and wher Love passes and recides he shall be allwayes Armd and attended by a band of lovers, Such faithfull ones as if that ugly Danger Were Lucifer himselfe, they should defend you.

  2. Than spak he thus, `O lady myn Criseyde, Wher is your feyth, and wher is your biheste?

  3. Wher is your love, wher is your trouthe,' he seyde; `Of Diomede have ye now al this feste!

  4. Wher shal I seye to yow "wel come" or no, That alderfirst me broughte in-to servyse Of love, allas!

  5. Whan he was come un-to his neces place, `Wher is my lady?

  6. Therto he is the freendlieste man Of grete estat, that ever I saw my lyve; 205 And wher him list, best felawshipe can To suche as him thinketh able for to thryve.

  7. But thus ye faren, wel neigh alle and some, That he that most desireth yow to serve, 1150 Of him ye recche leest wher he bicome, And whether that he live or elles sterve.

  8. Wher ben hir armes and hir eyen clere, 220 That yesternight this tyme with me were?

  9. But these honors be nothyng worth, where the Mynd is voyd of contentation, and wher the hearte pryckte forwarde by desire leaueth the Bodye and Mynde restlesse wythout quiet.

  10. Come ease my mind, wher fancies flames doth burne like Ethna fire, For wanting thee my life is death and doleful cheere, And finding fauor in thy sight, my dayes are happy heere.

  11. Ye had neede therfore to take goode heede, least ye be surprysed in the place, wher priuily you giue the assault, and in the acte wherein ye desire the assistance of none.

  12. Arryued at the pallace, ascending the marble staires or steps of the same, they were brought into the great hal, wher the Duke appointed the matter to be heard.

  13. Frauncis, wher shee founde Fryer Laurence who tolde her that the same nyghte Rhomeo would not fayle at hys accustomed houre to visite Iulietta, and there to do hir to vnderstande what he purposed to doe in tyme to come.

  14. Vide the masque of Ben Johnson, wher is a perfect description of rideing at the quintin.

  15. Methinkes I see the grave wher Laura lay; at the bottome W.

  16. Doo you then thyncke that anye affliction or tourment can disquiet those that prepare them selues wyth a chearful hearte and a stedfast hoope vnto the kyngedome of God, wher as the course of this lyfe is nowe so shorte?

  17. And after wards tooke better view of y^e place, and resolved wher to pitch their dwelling; and y^e 25.

  18. Things likly to be true in a cuntrie wher so many sayle of ships come yearly a fishing; they might as well say, there can no aile or beere in London be kept from sowering.

  19. Because something els might be equivalent to penetration wher it had not been, viz.

  20. So he wente to his old nest in y^e Massachusets, wher it was not long but by his miscariage he gave them just occation to lay hands on him; and he was by them againe sent prisoner into England, wher he lay a good while in Exeter Jeole.

  21. Wher for I have sent to Londun to myn onkyl Clement to gete an Cs.

  22. And wher ye shulde be enformed that I shulde sey to Howard[38.

  23. I am put en fere dayly for myn abydyng here, and cownsellyd be my moder and be other good frendes, that I shuld not abeyd here but yf the world wher in mor quiete than it is.

  24. Eschequyer for hym a yens the Kyng, wher in was crafti labour and cloos to the seid spede, and laked no dylygence, for the matter was defused and dubble intendementz after dyverse mennys appynyons.

  25. Sir, he may do me a pety shame in distreyning and dryvyng awey to make me hevy, and hym not glad I hoop at the loong, but wroong shal he nor any other do me, wher I may gete remedy by the lawe in any place throw Goddis mercy.

  26. A man shal never have love of God nor love nor drede of good men for myskepyng of moche good thof it wer his owen, for it is dampnable; but wher it is truly delt with and godly disposed, thanne folwith bothe grete meryte and worchep.

  27. I ame in suerte wher as I schall have a nothyr maun in the stede of Pekoke.

  28. And of yowr goode wyll and favour herynne I pray yow to late me have wetyng, and I schall be redy to wayte on yow at ony tyme and place wher ye wull assyne.

  29. I pray you also, if the boy that is hurt dey, to meve your tenauntz in that hundrid wher he was bete to do for me and myn; ellis can I not desire ne write at this tyme for lak of remembraunce, for I am not yet myn own man.

  30. He goes on to say, too, that at the period of his visit the sea was “two myles from the towne, so sore thereby decayed that wher ther wher 11 great paroches and chirches sumtyme, is now scarece one.

  31. Syn þat euery wicked shrew {and} for hys wickednesse þe more gredy aftir oþer folkes rycchesse wher so euer it be in any place.

  32. But they were turned back by the "deangerous shoulds and roring breakers," and were thankful to bear up again along the Atlantic side of the Cape until they got into harbor, "wher they ridd in safetie.

  33. Hir herte was wedded to him with a ring; So ferforth upon trouthe is hir entente, That wher he goth, hir herte with him wente.

  34. Wher is now al your wommanly pitee, Your gentilesse and your debonairtee, Wil ye no thing ther-of upon me spende?

  35. Within my house called the house of Fame The golden trumpet with blastes of good name Enhaunceth on to ful hie parties, Wher Iupiter sytteth among the heuenly skies.

  36. Redresse of sorweful, O Cytherea, That with the stremys of thy plesaunt hete Gladist the cuntreis of al Cirrea, Wher thou hast chosyn thy paleys and thy sete.

  37. Hit is no need eek for to axe Wher ther were many grene greves, Or thikke of trees, so ful of leves; And every tree stood by him-selve Fro other wel ten foot or twelve.

  38. Almighty god, of trouthe sovereyn, Wher is the trouthe of man?

  39. For certeynly thou shalt wel shewe 2130 Wher that thou servest with good wille, For to complisshen and fulfille My comaundementis, day and night, Whiche I to lovers yeve of right.

  40. And hadde I might as good as I have wille, 80 Than shulde ye fele wher it wer so or noon; For in this worlde living is ther noon That fayner wolde your hertes wil fulfille.

  41. Be meek, wher thou must nedis bowe; To stryve ageyn is nought thy prowe.

  42. Of this althogth yet the profe could not be greate because the occasions hath bine but smal, notwithstandinge as a dog hathe a day, so may I perchaunce haue time to declare it in dides wher now I do write them but in wordes.

  43. I told him I would acquaint our other officers of it, & that I would use my endeavor to get their consent that hee should pass the winter wher hee was without receaving any prejudice, the season being too far past to bee gon away.

  44. The yeare before the ffrench began a new plantation in the upper country of the Iroquoits, which is distant from the Low Iroquoits country some four score leagues, wher I was prisoner and been in the warrs of that country.

  45. The Lieutenant was startled at seeing me, & asked "wher his master was; it was high time to appear & act.

  46. After they consulted together for a while, retired into their boats, which weare four or five miles from thence, and wher I have bin a while before.

  47. Colours and Ensignes I take to be all one, but wher are they to be placed and wherefore serve they?

  48. Kepler speakes as slightlie of Vieta, a greater then Appollonius whom Kepler everie wher admires.

  49. If you in the meane time can further it, tell wher in I may doe you seruice, and see how wholie you shall dispose of me.

  50. He hath monie to prouide doe you but tell him wher the are to be had and what manner of sphere (I meant with what and how manie circles) wilbe most vsefull for vs to thes studies.

  51. Mery it was in grene forest Among the levës grene, Wher that men walke both east and west Wyth bowes and arrowes kene; 2.

  52. Wher be you, fayre Alyce, my wyfe, And my chyldren three?

  53. Freely consult my revelation Molly; Nor shall one jealous thought create a huff, For she has taught me manners long enough.

  54. There was a room here called "Pope's room," and a chair was shown in which the great little man had sat.

  55. It is frequently alluded to by Beaumont and Fletcher in their comedies, but best known is that quotation from a letter of Beaumont to Ben Jonson:-- "What things have we seen Done at the Mermaid!

  56. If you do not call me father, you forfeit a bottle of wine.

  57. Its first introduction on the signboard is lost in the unrecorded wastes of time; but the oath was a common one in early times, especially on occasions of military adventures.

  58. On the one side was written:-- "Doe de Haan begost te kraayen Toen begost Petrus te schraayen.

  59. Mr Standen of Arborfield, who died in 1730, is said to have been the enamoured swain to whom the song alludes.

  60. Pepys might well wonder what a man may come to, he who had been born when "lascivious dancing" was considered a heinous crime.

  61. It is also celebrated in the well-known song of Molly Mog, attributed to Gay, and printed in Swift's "Miscellanies.

  62. There is, however, a sort of tree called the Buck-Thorn, which possibly may have been corrupted into the Buck and Thorn, and hence the Stag and Thorn.

  63. The Indians were expert in those places wher they beganne the battayle, shooting with their bowes and slings, and throwing of dartes.

  64. The Lords of the north southward came, To Sainct Albones, vpon fasting gang eve Wher then thei slewe the Lord Bouvile I leve And Sir Thomas Kyriell also of Kent, With mekell folke, that pitee was to se.

  65. There was of very aunciente tyme an olde maner place wher Brooke Hall is now, and parte of it yet appearithe, but the buyldynge that is there is of the erectynge of the Lorde Stewarde unto Kynge Henry the vii.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wher" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    where also; where applicable; where does; where else; where every; where everything; where have you been; where many; where much; where once; where possible; where shall; where she; where some; where the public mind shall rest; where their; where there; where they; where was; where water; whereas those; whereby the; wherefore then; whereof they; whereupon quoth; wherever they