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Example sentences for "whenst"

Lexicographically close words:
whennes; whens; whenso; whensoeuer; whensoever; wher; wheras; wherat; wherby; where
  1. It do take an Injun to come a-running whenst ever'body else is plumb beat out!

  2. Whenst I've got to tussle with a wheen o' full redskins, and me with my stummick growed fast to my backbone, I jest ez soon wait till them same redskins are asleep.

  3. That thar shootin'-iron o' yourn liked ter hev skeered me ter death whenst I fust seen it.

  4. An' whenst he prays, he prays loud an' hearty, like he jes expected ter git what he axed fur sure's shootin.

  5. He air a-tradin' fur our liquor, an' he'll kerry a barrel away whenst he goes.

  6. Ye appear ter 'low ez ye air tellin' news--I knowed all that whenst it happened a full year ago!

  7. I sewed up the man's money myself in them feather beds what he lay on whenst he war wagined down 'ter Colb'ry ter take the kyars.

  8. I fund that out whenst I war in the service.

  9. You didn't see no guide whenst they slipped past you-uns' house, did ye?

  10. The rocks round the creek war repeatin' it, whenst I crossed the f oot-bredge.

  11. So whenst the guerilla war sure he hed escaped by ways unknownst he set out ter race him down ter the Cohutty Mountings.

  12. Whenst Abs'lom war a baby," she reiterated, her whole pleading heart in the tones.

  13. He wouldn't take the baby whenst he hed the chance, 'kase he knowed 'twould hurt me so.

  14. I war up thar at the mill whenst the news kem ter-day, an' she war thar ter git some seconds.

  15. Oh, I sent Jack thar ter tell him better whenst he drove ter mill ter-day ter git the meal fer the mash.

  16. Ye will let that t'other revenue-raider ye seen into the secret o' the bresh whisky in our wagon ef ye air viewed about whenst 'Gene hev spread the report that ye air dead.

  17. Pears like, Watt, ye hed more experiences whenst dead than living" said an auditor, as these stories multiplied.

  18. Ole Marster en' Unker Jude was borned de same day, en' Ole Marster's pappy gin Unker Jude to him, whenst dey was leetle bitsy babies.

  19. Waal, war Clem Tweed funnin' whenst he done sech ez that, in levyin' an execution?

  20. The rocks round the creek war repeatin' it, whenst I crossed the foot-bredge.

  21. If I had a guide, I'd not wait a minute, or if I could recognize the man whenst I viewed him.

  22. Dad warn't hyar whenst the dep'ty leveled," she said.

  23. She lowed she war goin' ter fetch you-uns some whenst I tol' her you-uns war lackin'.

  24. My knife-blade is bruk, but I reckon thar is enough lef' ter split my jugular whenst the eend is kem at last.

  25. Then kem up ter Gran'dad Kettison's whenst it is cleverly dark an' tap on the glass winder--not on the batten shutter.

  26. Oh, Meddy is plumb comical whenst she fairly gits ter goin', though it's all on account of that thar man what war growed up in a tree.

  27. I told ye that I'd be powerful mortified ef I hed a nephew ez hed ter shet his eyes ter keep the noise out'n his ears whenst he fired a rifle.

  28. Naw; too sp'ilt for a gyard-dog--granny coddled him so whenst he got shot.

  29. I ain't settin' store on the valley lands I seen whenst I went ter the wars.

  30. I fared whenst I hed jes' one frien' in the worl', an' that war yer mother!

  31. Ye won't be in sech a hurry ter turn me off whenst we git back ter the mountings.

  32. I seen the buck whenst he fust kem sidlin' an' slippin' up ter the water, oneasy an' onsartain from the fust minute.

  33. The idee jes' streck me ter-day whenst I viewed him along about that road.

  34. My mother an' she couldn't live in the same house whenst we git married.

  35. But whenst ye would face round agin, they'd drap down ahint the aidge o' the rock.

  36. The cheers his dad made fur his mam whenst they begun housekeeping" said Jane Gilhooley's muffled voice.

  37. Shucks, Medory, ye know the dep'ty man war funnin' whenst he said that about the baby an' the cat!

  38. An' whenst Dad lay claim ter it Peter Petrie declared ef enny Gilhooley dared ter cross Storm Mounting he'd break every bone in his body!

  39. Whenst I war young,' he cried, 'I went down to Sevierville wunst.

  40. Whenst ye war up ter the Cayces', this mornin'.

  41. Whenst I war young, folks ez kerried rifles ter git suthin' fur supper never kem home a-suckin' the bar'l.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whenst" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.