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Example sentences for "withall"

Lexicographically close words:
witen; with; withaat; withaht; withal; withdraw; withdrawal; withdrawals; withdrawe; withdrawen
  1. Then entreth one withall into this Frenchman's top, Who cuts ech rope, and makes to fall his yard, withouten stop.

  2. My selfe, he, and my sister, To day did dine together: so befall my soule, As this is false he burthens me withall Luc.

  3. Nay, hee strooke so plainly, I could too well feele his blowes; and withall so doubtfully, that I could scarce vnderstand them Adri.

  4. I neuer came within these Abbey wals, Nor euer didst thou draw thy sword on me: I neuer saw the Chaine, so helpe me heauen: And this is false you burthen me withall Duke.

  5. All which opinions as I absolutelie denie not, so I willinglie leane vnto none of them in peremptorie maner, sith the antiquitie of our historie carrieth me withall vnto the former iudgements.

  6. Normans, and withall they imbattelled their footmen in a new order, so that their horssemen shifted themselues on the wings, readie to rescue the footmen if their arraie should happen to be disturbed.

  7. I have heard his brother Edm and M'r Wayte his schoole fellow &c, say that when he was a Boy he was playsome enough: but withall he had even then a contemplative Melancholinesse.

  8. Sir, said she, there came a damsel from a knight that ye fought withall at the bridge, and she told me your name was Sir Launcelot du Lake.

  9. And then Sir Tristram took great sorrow, and endured with great pain long time, for the arrow that he was hurt withall was envenomed.

  10. Damsel, said Beaumains, ye may say what ye will, but with whomsoever I have ado withall I trust to God to serve him or he depart, and therefore I reck not what ye say, so that I may win your lady.

  11. The mean while Sir Nerovens, that Sir Launcelot had fought withall afore at the bridge, he sent a damsel after Sir Launcelot for to wit how he sped at the castle of Pendragon.

  12. The Seruis, eight morsels of the flesh of a Pheasant rosted lying in the grauie, and withall so many pieces of fine white manchet.

  13. We had no English nor Dutch Ships at Smyrna then, but daily expected some; and he told me, I must wait till they came, and withall caution’d me not to frequent his House.

  14. Withall say, that the Queene hath heartily consented He should espouse Elizabeth hir daughter.

  15. I do beseech your Grace To pardon me, and withall forbeare Your Conference with the Noble Duke Cla.

  16. Now they beleeue it, and withall whet me To be reueng'd on Riuers, Dorset, Grey.

  17. The man bethinking himself, and knowing the worst was but death, which in that place he was sure of, beclipt the beare fast with both his hands aboit the loines, and withall made an outcry as lowd as he could.

  18. And withall my Heart let this Answer pass, if our Divines and Infidels can so agree upon it.

  19. After his arriuall in London, being demanded of sundry his friends what thing he had brought them home out of that countrey, he had nothing left to present them withall but a piece of this blacke stone.

  20. Frobisher mette withall after he had sailed no small way in that passage, if there be any Isthmos or straight of land betwixt the aforesayd Northwesterne gulfe, and Mar del Zur, to ioyne Asia and America together?

  21. Consider what a cleare light wee may discerne reflected from the earth in the middest of Summer, and withall conceive how much greater that must bee which is under the line, where the rayes are more directly and strongly reverberated.

  22. Not long after this, two more ships were taken likewise, whose burthen was parcels of the foresaid frame or inclosure: so that three ships were met withall and seized vpon, each of them loden with one kind of stuffe.

  23. Beside that, he oftentimes lay in wait for their forragers, and such as straied abroad to rob and spoile the countrie, whom he met withall and ouerthrew.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "withall" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.