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Example sentences for "wotting"

Lexicographically close words:
wots; wott; wotted; wottest; wotteth; wou; woud; wouen; would; woulda
  1. But a score and three of runaways joined themselves to the Host, having watched their goings and wotting that they were not foemen.

  2. Now I must be wotting The spring of your kindred ere further ye cast ye, And let loose your false spies in the Dane-land a-faring Yet further afield.

  3. Thither first did I come Unto that ring-hall Hrothgar to greet; 2010 Soon unto me the great Healfdene's son, So soon as my heart he was wotting forsooth.

  4. Yet, truly, it was as that he had no wotting that a rock may be thrown; for he strave only to come at me with the rock, that he should crush me, as with a monstrous club.

  5. For the girl who spoke to me through the night made some wonder that my voice were not deeper; yet in quiet fashion, and as one who says a thing, scarce wotting what they say.

  6. And it was as that our sense and our Spirits did assure us that the thing had no wotting of us; but surely our fears did nigh to equal the comfort of this sweet reason, and to make us think otherwise.

  7. When the merchants heard this, they held back and dared not bid another dirham, wotting what they did of the Wazir's tyranny, violence and treachery.

  8. Even his wise wit she hath beguiled at her will, and lightly laid him in the arms of mortal women; Hera not wotting of it, his sister and his wife, the fairest in goodliness of beauty among the deathless Goddesses.

  9. Then through the Gods' will and design, by the immortal Goddess lay the mortal man, not wotting what he did.

  10. And ever since that day I have been sitting in expectancy, wotting well that thou wouldst search for it until thou find it, and by such means I was certified of bringing thee hither to me.

  11. He lingered about the capital for two days, in saddest state, wotting not what to do in order to find his wife and his pavilion, and during this time sundry of the folk privily brought him meat and drink.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wotting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.