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Example sentences for "wouen"

Lexicographically close words:
wottest; wotteth; wotting; wou; woud; would; woulda; woulde; wouldent; wouldest
  1. No man liuing Could say this is my wife there, all were wouen So strangely in one peece 2 But what follow'd?

  2. Theyr fayre tresses bound vp in nettings of gould, wouen after a most curious sort.

  3. Then first before the sacred Maiestie and royall person of the Queene, and afterwards to vs, fiue fayre Nymphes apparelled in blewe silke and golde curiously wouen togeather in workes, did all together appresent themselues.

  4. In the presence of the magnificent Queene there did alwayes wayte and attend three honourable Nymphes, their apparell beeing of golde and silke, maruelously wouen and adorned, and sette with pearle and stone.

  5. Soone after comes the cruell Sarazin, 2 In wouen maile all armed warily, And sternly lookes at him, who not a pin 4 Does care for looke of liuing creatures eye.

  6. From Cambaza commeth the Spodiom which congeleth in certaine canes, whereof I found many in Pegu, when I made my house there, because that (as I haue sayd before) they make their houses there of wouen canes like to mats.

  7. A garment like a coape of cotten, wouen of sundry coulours, and in the middest a blacke whele made of feathers.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wouen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.