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Example sentences for "xylophone"

Lexicographically close words:
xxxxx; xylene; xylidine; xylographic; xylography; yabber; yacht; yachters; yachting
  1. It appears that the xylophone was played in Germany as early as the beginning of the 16th century.

  2. This produces a sound like a xylophone or a hollow pizzicato.

  3. The xylophone is a species of harmonica composed of strips or cylinders of wood, struck with two little hammers.

  4. In combination with a piano or violin the xylophone is not to be despised, and in the orchestras wherein it has now been introduced it will probably prove more effective than is generally supposed.

  5. The songs of the pines went with me, especially the tinkling xylophone dance music of the dryad, deep within the ancient trunk.

  6. Soon the air resounds with the xylophone music of their chopping, the solid surf ace vibrating beneath the blows of the axe and giving forth a clear tintinnabulation which is most delightful to the ear.

  7. Then it paused, and the sonorous voice of the xylophone spoke to the jungle.

  8. But of the enemy whose presence that great xylophone had betokened there was no sign.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "xylophone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    battery; bell; bones; castanets; chime; clappers; cymbal; gong; marimba; percussion; percussive; rattle; triangle; xylophone