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Example sentences for "clappers"

Lexicographically close words:
clap; clapboard; clapboards; clapped; clapper; clapping; clappings; claps; clapt; claptrap
  1. Then Clappers ceasse, and belles are set againe at libertée, And herewithall the hungrie times of fasting ended bée.

  2. Once again the prearranged applause of the clappers alone burst forth; the public, a little out of their depth, sat waiting.

  3. But the curtain once down, the clappers tried in vain to obtain a call, while the whole house was already up and making for the doors.

  4. But the gang of clappers in the foremost rows of the pit applauded furiously.

  5. The clappers applauded the scenery, which represented a grotto on Mount Etna, hollowed out in a silver mine and with sides glittering like new money.

  6. A clapper for harmony; that is, three clappers together.

  7. Here there is to be a cylinder of cane after the manner of clappers with a musical round called a Canon, which is sung in four parts; each singer singing the whole round.

  8. The bells therefore attract the clappers till they are charged, when they strike against the centre bell to discharge themselves, and thus a peal is rung on the bells until the electricity is driven off.

  9. So he shook it a little, just to show that it was growing limber, and the bone clappers on the end rustled with a sharp, angry noise.

  10. Rattler opened his sleepy eyes, threw himself on guard with a snap and a buzz, and shook his bony clappers savagely.

  11. They sat down with the wooden clappers beside them, and ate their breakfast in the company of the scarecrow.

  12. You children will have to get your clappers then, and just drive the old thieves away," he said at last, "You will have to spend the day in the field watching them.

  13. These bells are struck by clappers actuated by pneumatic or electrical mechanism.

  14. A bell is provided, struck by clappers moved by the roll of the vessel.

  15. Another form of bell mechanism consists of a fixed bell with three or more suspended clappers placed externally which strike the bell when the buoy rolls.

  16. Therefore, when the two outer bells communicating with the conductor are electrified, they will attract the clappers and be struck by them.

  17. There he was, twenty miles from home, without any money, and his clappers lost.

  18. It appeared that at the very moment of the noon, having lagged to the utmost second, the frantic clappers had bolted up the belfry stairs to call the town to dinner.

  19. Yet regularly, out of a noonday stillness--except for the cries of the butcher boy upon the steps--a dozen clappers of the tower struck their sudden din across the city.

  20. Certainly the clappers were brawling in the tower and had come to blows.

  21. Occasionally a farmer seeks to scare birds by means of clappers which he places in the hands of a child or an old man who sits in a rough shelter raised high enough to overtop the rice.

  22. Then all the bamboos bent, and as they smartly straightened themselves caused the clappers to give forth a sound sufficiently agitating to sparrow pillagers in several paddies.

  23. The organ's base was against the ceiling; the winged cherubs hovered overhead feet upward; the bells swung with the clappers standing upright, and the choir chanted the psalm backward.

  24. The practice sometimes adopted nowadays of playing hymn tunes on bells by means of ropes tied to the clappers is a miserable substitute for the mechanical contrivance.

  25. Our clappers want beer," evidently intended for a gentle hint that the ringers suffered from thirst!

  26. They hang wooden clappers about their necks, and follow them by rattling of the clappers.

  27. I tried holding the clappers still, but that was no good, as there were four of them.

  28. Later on I found out that I could stand upright by putting my head inside the bell, but I couldn't bear that for very long because of the intolerable noise of the clappers hitting the bell so near my ears.

  29. That they took away the bell clappers and sold them, with the brass they plucked off from the tombs.

  30. Now one with a pair of clappers gave a signal and all rose who had been seated.

  31. Then Clappers ceasse, and belles are set againe at libertee, And herewith all the hungrie times of fasting ended bee.

  32. Yet some of the tiniest tots are taught to click these wooden clappers to the rhythm of the traditional Spanish songs and dances.

  33. And then she starts to walk away, her wooden clappers coaxing like the Piper's reed and urging Rey to follow her.

  34. He was too intelligent really to believe them but when Pilar came into his room holding the clappers in her hand, his eyes suddenly filled with fear.

  35. Then do you put them plaguy clappers away, and listen to me patiently," says he.

  36. The rattan cord attached to the clappers is fastened to a small raft which is then set afloat in the pool.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clappers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    battery; bell; bones; castanets; chime; clappers; cymbal; gong; marimba; percussion; percussive; rattle; triangle; xylophone