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Example sentences for "accordynge"

Lexicographically close words:
accordinglie; accordingly; accordion; accords; accordyng; accost; accosted; accosting; accosts; accouchement
  1. As to deuide amonge suche as longe to the Chyrche of the Chyrche goodes after the qualitie of theyr merytes: and to them beynge Ciuil persones of the comon treasour of the Ci- tie accordynge as they are worthy.

  2. The other kynde of Iustice whiche men call Equitie is whereby a man neyther taketh nor gy- ueth lesse nor more than he ought / but in gyuynge taketh good hede that euery ma[n] haue accordynge as he deserueth.

  3. Truly who will lyue accordynge to nature and not to lust, may with this diete be well contented.

  4. There resteth now to lodge the Pikes, and extraordinarie Veliti, that everie main battaile hath, which you know accordynge to our order, how everie one hath besides the x.

  5. Take hede therfore that thou, when christ shall laye his myghty hande vpon the be as tendre as waxe, that accordynge to his eternall wyll he maye frayme & fashyon the with his hande.

  6. Ah ha, nowe I wot wherabout ye be, belyke ye thîke that I lyue not accordynge to the gospell or as a good gospeller shulde do.

  7. Syr, quod she, than haue ye youre bergayne, and than my husbande hathe contented you for his dagger accordynge to his promyse.

  8. This Welcheman, because he vnderstood hym nat, came agayne to his mayster accordynge to his commaundes, and tolde hym he delyuered the letter vnto my lorde chefe Iustyce' sonne, who was at the gate in a furred cote.

  9. Some praysed the kinge's Disposition for taking hir whom he fansied: ech man speakynge his seuerall mynde accordynge to the dyuers customes of men.

  10. Wherfore my conscience hath prycked me hyther, In thys to sewe, accordynge to the cry,[152] For plente of raine to the god Jupiter To whose presence I wyll go evyn boldely.

  11. And now, accordynge to your obedyens, A iv b Rejoyce ye in us with joy most joyfully, And we our-selfe shall joy in our owne glory!

  12. I come to sew to the great god Jupyter For helpe of thynges concernynge my recreacyon, Accordynge to his late proclamacyon.

  13. And, accordynge too the holy gospelle, they may ete of all maner of mettis whiche be sette before them.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "accordynge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.