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Example sentences for "accordyng"

Lexicographically close words:
accordinge; accordinglie; accordingly; accordion; accords; accordynge; accost; accosted; accosting; accosts
  1. By Equitie distributyue is distributyd and giuen of comon goodes to euery ma[n] accordyng to his deseruyng[e]s and as he is worthy to haue.

  2. Item, certayn pecys of napre, accordyng to a bylle endentyd annexed to this lese.

  3. At this tyme, and in all this Kyngs deies, ye can have noon oder accordyng any thing to your entent.

  4. Est vulgare proverbium 'Accordyng to ryte reson that to oftyn it is in ceson, that in trust is gret treson.

  5. And this don, I am content that he goo at large, and elles that Spyrlyng take a rekenyng of hym, so as I may be aunswered accordyng to the statute, &c.

  6. And we truste ye wole dispose you accordyng to our pleser and comaundement.

  7. Wherfor we beseche you to socoure us accordyng to your right and owres.

  8. Wherfore, cosyn, with all myn hert I pray yow accordyng to yowre promyse that it like yow to send me by my servaunt, berer herof, the said somme of xli.

  9. Cosyn, we pray you that ye wul, accordyng to the promyse ye made us, to come to us as sone as ye goodely may.

  10. I made yowr answer to the ffrends off Mestresse Jane Godnoston accordyng to yowr instrucions.

  11. I have often tymes writyn to Pampyng accordyng to your desire, to enforme you hou I have labourd in wrytyngs for you; and I see wele he speke not to your maistership of hit.

  12. And that I promytte you on myn honour for he is not within the kyngis hoste in my company that breketh the kyngis crye but he shal have execucioun accordyng to his offences.

  13. Fayne would I deuyse that you and I may in honour lyue together, accordyng to our calling.

  14. Nowe as the knyght was in talke with the Mother, seeynge that his beloued came not at al (accordyng to hir custome) to salute him and bid him welcome, inquired how she dyd.

  15. The Provest of Cambrygge ys com into thys contry and Dabeney shall receve of hym that longyth to you on Monday or Tewysday, and he shall have hys delyveryd accordyng to your wrytyng.

  16. And on the xxi day of the moneth of May, accordyng as it had been publisshed, there the French knyghtes were redy in the place to furnish their enterprise.

  17. The ignoraunte and simple nature, accordyng to his knowlege, iudgeth all singularitée, and tempereth by his owne actes the praise of other.

  18. The meanest parte accordyng to his lowe state, appliyng hym selfe to obeie and serue the moste prin- cipall: wherein the perfecte and absolute, frame of common wealthe or kyngdome is erected.

  19. THe accuser by Lawe and Iudge, is able to defende hymself, whe[n] his cause is ended accordyng to law.

  20. I wille, so I commaunde, my wille shall stande for a Lawe: but godlie lawes doe iustlie, accordyng to reason and vertue, tempereth the cause of euery man.

  21. Dialogismus whych is how often a short or long communicacion is fayned to a person, accordyng to the comelines of it.

  22. Wherfore it is a comyn prouerbe that women can kepe no counceyle And accordyng therto Macrobe reherceth in the book of the dremes of Scipio.

  23. Of which the nombre is infenyte/ And accordyng to the same saith Salamon.

  24. True it is, that every one of them, hath after devided it, accordyng to their purposes.

  25. Than euery man, accordyng thar strenth ful meyt, Thair byg bowys gan bend, and at thar feyt 10 Dyd schaik onone thar arowys of thar cays.

  26. Thai ilke goddis mot dewly reward the Accordyng thy desert in all degre.

  27. And thus thai festyng days nyne at all, With large pompe, and kyngly apparall, 20 Accordyng sych a spowsage as was this.

  28. The salte water ebbeth and floweth, accordyng to the winde that bloweth.

  29. Mutezuma was occupyed in this counsell with fiue hundred noblemen and Gentlemen dayly, and accordyng to determination, they commaunded to cherish and serue Cortes and his company more than ordinary, saying their ioy was at an ende.

  30. Yet Cortes beléeued them, and gaue them thankes for theyr curtesie and good will, and that accordyng to theyr request he woulde goe vnto theyr Towne, and accepte their friendshippe.

  31. This treasure was deuided among the Souldiers, but not all: euery man was payde accordyng to his office.

  32. So against the next day he caused a Canapie and chayre of estate to be sette in the markette place, accordyng to the Mexican vse, and also a dinner to be prepared.

  33. He commaunded to be brought a lande out of his shippes all the armour & other furniture for the warres, with the Merchandise, victuall and other prouision, and to deliuer it to the rulers of the newe Cittie, accordyng to his promisse.

  34. C, Wherfore I saie now accordyng to the Theoreme, that the greatte square E, is more then the other two squares F.

  35. Nowe for the diuersitee in quantitie of these lynes, I saie accordyng to the Theoreme, that the line whiche goeth by the centre is the longest line, that is to saie, A.

  36. G,) I set the one foote of my compasse, because it is the common centre, and so drawe a circle accordyng to the distaunce of any of the sides of the triangle.

  37. F, which beyng made the side of a quadrate (accordyng to the tenth conclusion) will accomplishe the worke of this practise: for the quadrate H.

  38. Those longsquares haue I set foorth vnder the circles containyng their sides, that you maie somewhat whet your own wit in practisyng this Theoreme, accordyng to the doctrine of the nineteenth conclusion.

  39. I open my compas accordyng to the length of that byas line C.

  40. Nowe accordyng to the meanyng of the Theoreme, I saie, that in the first triangle A.

  41. B, accordyng not onely as this figure sheweth, but also the saied nyneteenth conclusion dooeth proue, if you lyste to examyne the one by the other.

  42. First make a likeiamme equall to that right lined figure, with a right angle, accordyng to the .

  43. Then part I that line in the middle in the pricke M, and on that pricke I make halfe a circle, accordyng to the length of the diameter F.

  44. D, more in length, accordyng to the measure of the side of E, as you see, from D.

  45. C and D,] accordyng to the lengthe lo the peece that remaineth [error for "of the"?

  46. Intent Off maters accordyng vnto plesavnce, but no thynge that may cavse men grevaunce.

  47. Accordyng to thofence that he to me hath do ¶ That I haue no cause forther to appele.

  48. And conuey accordyng to Vertue his entent.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "accordyng" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.