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Example sentences for "adaptational"

Lexicographically close words:
adan; adapt; adaptability; adaptable; adaptation; adaptations; adapted; adaptedness; adapter; adapters
  1. In order to be a means of cumulative modification of varieties, races, or species, selection, whether artificial or adaptational [i.

  2. Milne-Edwards), pass in front of the mouth by adaptational shifting of the oral aperture.

  3. Especially should such a population be found when the two extreme types are adaptational forms and the region of overlap is a region of intermediate conditions.

  4. I do not seek to minimise the real and permanent difficulty which the existence of adaptations creates, but by the suggestion that all normal specific differences are adaptational that difficulty was quite gratuitously increased.

  5. Meanwhile there is no denying that the origin of adaptational features is a very grave difficulty.

  6. In this position, as is well known, their wings are closed upright, and it is evident that the adaptational colours on the under side are displayed, as is most clearly shown by many of our native species.

  7. The fact that the subdorsal line sometimes appears in very young Sphinx-larvæ is explained, as has already been shown, by the gradual backward transference of adaptational characters acquired in the last stage of development.

  8. Bronn gives an excellent account of adaptational modifications and calls attention, just as Milne-Edwards did, to the numerous analogies of structure which adaptation brings about.

  9. Such "heritage characters" could only be explained on the hypothesis that they had once had functional or adaptational meaning.

  10. The causes of the modifications which characterise classificatory groups are unknown; the second class of modifications occur in response to adaptational requirements.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "adaptational" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.