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Example sentences for "adiudged"

Lexicographically close words:
adire; adis; adit; adits; aditus; adjacent; adjectival; adjective; adjectively; adjectives
  1. The marquesse Dorset being likewise there present, was adiudged to lose his title and dignitie of marquesse; and the earle of Glocester being also present, was in semblable maner iudged to lose his name, title and dignitie of earle.

  2. Wherevpon at length also eighteene of them that were so brought to London, were conuinced, adiudged and hanged, the other remained long in prison.

  3. And bicause king John appeared not, he was therefore condemned in the action, and adiudged to forfeit all that he held within the precinct of France, aswell Normandie as all his other lands and dominions.

  4. Then was called Iohn Keyes, and was adiudged to have 100 stripes on horsebacke, and condemned to serue in the gallies for the space of 6 yeeres.

  5. Wherein is shewed how we were vsed in the religious houses, and that when the time was expired, that we were adiudged to serue in them, there came newes to Mexico of M.

  6. Wherevpon when the Nauarrois was vanquished and confessed the truth, he was adiudged by the king to be drawne vnto the place of execution and hanged, notwithstanding that the queene and diuerse other made sute for him.

  7. The appellan being vanquished, is adiudged to be hanged.

  8. Diuerse articles were laid against him in open councell, and in especiallie one; That he had caused men adiudged to die, to be put to other execution, than the law of the land assigned.

  9. Polychronicon saith she was inioined to go through Cheapside with a taper in hir hand] and after that adiudged to perpetuall imprisonment in the Ile of Man, vnder the keeping of sir Iohn Stanlie knight.

  10. At the same season were arrested, arreigned, and adiudged giltie, as aiders to the duchesse, Thomas Southwell priest, and canon of S.

  11. In which quarrell Henry was aided by Euerharde Earle Palatine, and Giselbert Duke of Lorreine, with diuers other Princes of Almaine: But when the cause came to be canuased by the sword, the victorie adiudged the Empire to Otho.

  12. Sidenote: Ladie Elizabeth late wife to king Edward the fourth, adiudged to forfeit all hir lands for promise-breaking.

  13. Diuerse acts also made in the time of king Edward and king Richard were reuoked, and other adiudged more expedient for the common wealth were put in their places and concluded.

  14. Now nothing was contrarie and against his diuelish purpose, but that his mansion was not void of his wife, which thing he in any wise adiudged necessarie to be doone.

  15. For these witnesses & saiengs of famous doctors being true, I am onelie the vndubitate heire to lord Richard Plantagenet duke of Yorke, adiudged to be the verie heire to the crowne of this relme by authoritie of parlement.

  16. The second, that if any person should bee lawfully conuicted of any practise against her Maiestie, her Crowne and dignitie, to be adiudged as traitors according to the lawes of England.

  17. Maiesties right and possession of those territories, against which if any thing were attempted preiudiciall the partie or parties offending should be adiudged and executed as in case of high treason, according to the lawes of England.

  18. The Herald being dismist, our afflicted intelligencer was cald coram nobis, how he spedde, iudge you, but something hee was adiudged to.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "adiudged" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.