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Example sentences for "affeccioun"

Lexicographically close words:
affaire; affaires; affairs; affayres; affeccion; affect; affectation; affectations; affecte; affected
  1. But nathelees, he no word to it seyde, Lest men sholde his affeccioun espye; With mannes herte he gan his sorwes drye.

  2. Wel hath she quit me myn affeccioun +That I have to hir flour, the dayesye!

  3. And heer began the depe affeccioun Betwix hem two; this was the firste morwe 1230 Of her gladnesse, and ginning of her sorwe.

  4. Ye han erred also, for ye han shewed to your conseillours your talent, and your affeccioun to make werre anon and for to do vengeance; / they han espyed by your wordes to what thing ye been enclyned.

  5. Agayns this horrible sinne of Accidie, and the branches of the same, ther is a vertu that is called Fortitudo or Strengthe; that is, an affeccioun thurgh which a man despyseth anoyous thinges.

  6. That other manere is, whan a man or womman preyen for folk to avauncen hem, only for wikked fleshly affeccioun that they have un-to the persone; and that is foul Symonye.

  7. Of Puile whilom was a king, A man of hih complexioun And yong, bot his affeccioun After the nature of his age Was yit noght falle in his corage 2650 The lust of wommen forto knowe.

  8. And it stod thilke time so, This king hadde in subjeccioun Judee, and of affeccioun Above alle othre on Daniel He loveth, for he cowthe wel 2860 Divine that non other cowthe: To him were alle thinges cowthe, As he it hadde of goddes grace.

  9. And whan this man the pot hath by the stele, 50 And fully is in his possessioun, With that woman he kepeth not to dele, After if he may fynden in the toun Any woman, his blinde affeccioun On to bestowe; evel mote he preve!

  10. How falsly quitte he her affeccioun By whom victorie he gat, as he hath wold!

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "affeccioun" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.