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Example sentences for "affer"

Lexicographically close words:
affective; affects; affectu; affectus; affectyon; afferent; affiance; affianced; affiant; affidavit
  1. An' affer all w'at diff'rence how de poor man mak' de vote?

  2. Affer we'd got him out, he insisted on coming 'round here so's he could run away with you.

  3. That wassen a gennelmanly thing to do, affer we'd put up our money.

  4. Affer dat no mortal him lay not till one be promise fo' de sacrafize.

  5. You had de modder yourseff--dat is, affer de Maroon!

  6. Den I laugh an say sho I remember the day you wuz goin to whip me, you run affer me and I run to de Mrs. and she wouldn let you whip me.

  7. One of the house slaves was allus havin her man comin to see her, so one day affer he lef, when I was makin fun and laughin at her de mistress she say, 'Why you picken on her?

  8. It runs along the top affer one gits halfway up from Junction.

  9. We got away pritty soon affer that, an' folks ain't so anxious to visit Granny as onct they was.

  10. Do Massa Geral take poor nigger word, and not go dere affer he ghost.

  11. Affer was there at the telegraph window, and he accosted her.

  12. Affer all dis excitement he needs refreshin'," remarked Rachel, going to the kitchen and calling the dog to follow her.

  13. He goin' to let dem Sesh 'spect dat dey whip dem Yanks affer while, but he not let dem do it.

  14. Dey done kill mos' all, and am still affer you.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "affer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.