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Example sentences for "alary"

Lexicographically close words:
alarmist; alarmists; alarms; alarum; alarums; alas; alata; alay; albacore; albatross
  1. Body short and bird-like, with very long neck and a long digit, unto which an alary membrane has probably been attached.

  2. Alary membrane between the feet and anterior digits; pointed canine and incisor teeth.

  3. The wings of Birds repeat the alary appendages of Insects in the flesh.

  4. They are desiccated air-branchiæ, alary opercula or elytra, and consequently indicate that feature of the Insect, which has continued to work its way into the class of Fishes.

  5. The parasphenoid is large with relatively short, stout alary (lateral) processes.

  6. The high, narrow alary processes of the premaxillae extend dorsally about two-thirds of the height of the snout.

  7. Initially they are widely separated medially from each other, and laterally from the developing maxillaries; each bears two or three teeth, large dorsally blunt alary processes, and small palatine processes.

  8. The parasphenoids are large elements characterized by acuminate cultriform processes and posterolaterally inclined alary processes.

  9. The alary processes of the premaxillaries are vertically oriented in leprieurii, pearsoni, and taurinus and very slightly inclined posteriorly in buckleyi and verrucigerus.

  10. The alary process of the premaxillary is small, concave posteriorly and vertical.

  11. The alary process of the premaxillary is vertical and concave posteriorly.

  12. The alary processes of the premaxillaries are widely separated, concave posteriorly, and vertical.

  13. The alary process of the premaxillary is small, vertical, and slightly concave posteriorly.

  14. In infucata the premaxillaries lie in a transverse plane and have short, nearly vertical alary processes, whereas in pseudopuma the premaxillaries lie at a slight angle and have longer alary processes that are inclined posteriorly.

  15. It first appears within the capsule bordered dorsally by the tectum nasi, medially and ventrally by the septum nasi, and laterally by the alary cartilage.

  16. The anterior terminus lies at the base of the alary process; the cartilage extends dorsally (Fig.

  17. The alary cartilage remains narrowly separated from the tectum nasi but fuses ventromedially with the septum nasi and forms a nearly complete cartilaginous capsule around the anterior end of the cavum principale.

  18. Posterior to the anterior end of the cavum medium and the lamina superior, the alary cartilage separates ventrally from the lamina.

  19. The anterior end of the alary cartilage (al.

  20. The superior prenasal cartilage is small; it lies adjacent to the posterodorsal surface of the alary process of the premaxillary, and anterior to the alary cartilage.

  21. In the following summer it received a further earnest of ministerial approval in the preferment of Alary to the tutorship of the Children of France.

  22. The movement of the blood towards the heart must (we think) depend, not upon the alary muscles, but upon the far more powerful muscles of the abdominal wall, and upon the pumping action of the heart itself.

  23. Dorsal branches ascend towards the heart on the upper side of the alary muscles; each bifurcates above, and its divisions join those of the preceding and succeeding segments, thus forming loops or arches.

  24. In the middle of the abdomen every alary muscle passes inwards for about ·04 in.

  25. Into the diaphragm are inserted pairs of muscles, which, from their shape and supposed continuity with the heart, have been named alæ cordis, or alary muscles.

  26. The thoracic portion should be chambered, and additional chambers and alary muscles represented at the end of the abdomen.

  27. When the alary muscles contract, they depress the diaphragm, which is arched upwards when at rest.

  28. Over the fan-like expansions of the alary muscles are different fat-cells, which form branched and multinucleate lobes, and radiate in the same direction as the underlying muscles.

  29. Heart, Alary Muscles, and Tracheal Arches, seen from below; to the left is a side view of the heart.

  30. Moreover, direct observation[141] shows that the heart continues to beat after all the alary muscles have been divided, and even after it has been cut in pieces.

  31. The descent of a perforated non-valvular plate can bring no pressure to bear upon the blood, for it is not contended that the alary muscles are powerful enough to change the figure of the abdominal rings.

  32. They overlie the alary muscles, and end near the heart by bifurcation, sending one branch forward and another backward to meet corresponding branches of adjacent trunks.

  33. The alary muscles are often said to distend the heart rhythmically by drawing its walls apart, but this cannot be true.

  34. The exceptions relate chiefly to the alary muscles of the pericardial septum.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.