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Example sentences for "amiga"

Lexicographically close words:
amids; amidship; amidships; amidst; amie; amigo; amigos; amikoj; amine; amines
  1. Not like the old Attorney General lab, where they had an ancient CP/M machine, assorted Amiga flavors and Apple flavors, a couple IBMS, all the utility software .

  2. She becomes tense, animated, the words pour out: "An Amiga 2000 with an IBM card and Mac emulation!

  3. Adios, amiga mia," she said, her eyes innocently turning from the SeƱora Simpson to scan stealthily the northern slope.

  4. Amiga mia, I shall call her, and I shall learn the Americano language, that we may talk together.

  5. Keep up your heart, amiga mia, as I do mine.

  6. Amiga mia; is there in your service one we can implicitly trust?

  7. I don't think it would, amiga mia; and will not, if you go about it according to instructions.

  8. I can understand now, amiga mia, why you spoke of Don Florencio.

  9. While she performed them she whispered, "And be not so downcast, amiga mia.

  10. Amiga hackers] To extract sound or graphics from a program that they have been compiled/assembled into, or which generates them at run-time.

  11. In the case of older Amiga games this entails searching through memory shortly after a reboot.

  12. This reef comes within a lombard-shot of the Amiga island.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "amiga" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.