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Example sentences for "anomalistic"

Lexicographically close words:
anointings; anointment; anoints; anoj; anomalies; anomalous; anomaly; anon; anone; anonymity
  1. This in the earth's orbit produces the anomalistic year.

  2. Nor is the anomalistic attempt that the Christian Socialists make to unite modern socialistic philosophy with Christian orthodoxy, socialism.

  3. He had not so much the air of belonging there, as of belonging anywhere--one of those anomalistic American citizens of the world who go abroad and make intimates of princes.

  4. She brought home to him, as never before, a sense of the anomalistic position of the Church in these modern days, of its appallingly lessened weight even with its own members.

  5. An Anomalistic month is the time in which the moon passes from perigee to perigee, &c.

  6. If the pericentre is fixed, this is an actual revolution; but if it moves the anomalistic revolution is greater or less than a complete circumference.

  7. The anomalistic revolution of a planet or other heavenly body is the revolution between two consecutive passages through the pericentre.

  8. The "anomalistic month" is the time occupied by the moon in travelling from its perigee, that is its point of nearest approach to the earth, round to its perigee again.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anomalistic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.